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Homer (approx. 8th century B.C.E. – approx. 8th century B.C.E.)

Nationality: Greek
Born: Greek
Periods: Greek: Classical

Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

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Our pages on these individual works by Homer

The Iliad

The Odyssey

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Criticism about Homer

Did Homer Sing at Lefkandi?
“Some recent studies, however, question this Grundprinzip of literary history and suggest that Homer belongs not so much in Ionia as on the island of Euboea, where the Iliad and the Odyssey were written down.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Barry B. Powell
From: Electronic Antiquity Vol. 1 no. 2 July 1993
Epic and Rhetoric: Speech-making and Persuasion in Homer and Apollonius
“The topic, in a sense, is a bogus one — speech-making and persuasion in Homer and Apollonius. There are speakers and speeches enough in Greek epic, but, at least in Homer and Apollonius, there is little recognizable rhetorical elaboration of the classical kind.”
Contains: Criticism
Author: Peter Toohey
From: Arachnion n. 1.1, May 1995
A Guided Web Tour of Homer’s Greece: Links
Extensive links on the background of Homer’s works, especially sites on archaelogy in areas referred to in the Homeric epics.
Contains: Webliography
Author: Steven Hale
The Homer Homepage
An extremely useful page with links to resources on Homer as well as both The Iliad and The Odyssey. Not every site recommended here is listed in the Online Literary Criticism Collection, so be sure to utilize this resource.
Contains: Extensive Bio, Commentary, Criticism, Bibliography, Webliography,
Author: Dr. Steven Hale
Homeric Questions
The first in a series of articles on Homer and his works, each of which has some useful analysis and links to further reading; the articles include: The Discovery of Troy, The Great Homer Nodding, But is it Troy?, Tale of Troy or Iliad?, Mycenean Culture, and Odysseus the Stranger.
Contains: Commentary, Criticism
Author: K. Kris Hirst
The Performance of Homeric Epic
First in a series of scholarly essays on Homeric epic performance. They are all available from this page, and include: “Introduction to the Topic of Homeric Performance” by Steve Reece, “Thunder but no Clouds: the Genesis of the Homeric Text” by Richard Janko, “Performance Dynamics and the Internal Audiences of the Odyssey” by Lillian Doherty, “Homer and South Slavic Epic” by John Miles Foley (hint: delete the extra ” mark at the end of the link from the main page to make it load properly) and “Homer and Appalachian Bluegrass” by John Wright.
Contains: Commentary, Criticism, Bibliography
Author: Steve Reece and others
From: Didaskalia vol.3 no.3 http://didaskalia.berkeley.edu/

Biographical sites about Homer

This site contains basic information on what we know about Homer (very little) and some details of The Iliad and The Odyssey and their significance in literature. Part of a project created by college undergraduates, under the supervision of their professor.
Contains: Sketch, Commentary, Works List, Bibliography
Author: Angela DeHaven
From: Greek Civilization Home Page
Perseus Encyclopedia: Homer
An extensive entry on the poet and his work.
Contains: Full Bio, Commentary, Bibliography
From: Perseus Encyclopedia

Other sites about Homer

The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations: Homer
Part of “The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations”, an online exhibit which “examines some of the high spots of the western literary canon. It explores the foundations of their iconographic standing, demonstrating how they arrive at this status through a variety of means, and not always on the basis of their literary worth. The exhibition gives special focus to how printers, publishers, editors, illustrators, and translators have used the icon of the classic text as a venue for their own agendas.”
Author: Christopher Barth, Virginia Haas, Sarah McDanie
From: University of Wisconsin Milwaukee – Special Collections Library

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013