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Sites about Brave New World

by Aldous Huxley

Critical sites about Brave New World

Two Modern Utopias: A Comparative Study of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Stanislaw Lem’s Return From the Stars
“A comparison of the literary Utopias depicted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World andStanislaw Lem’s Return From The Stars entails two major prerequisites: locating bothnovels within the general tradition of literary Utopias, and demonstrating that Brave NewWorld is, in fact, a part of that tradition… by a combination of psycho-biographical and discourse analysis thatexamines the monologism, conventions, narration, and hidden polemic of Brave NewWorld, Huxley’s novel is demonstrated to be an official Utopia. By a contrasting andprimarily thematic analysis that examines the ubiquitous polylogism of Return From TheStars, Lem’s novel is demonstrated to be an unofficial Utopia; one that offers the readerthe unique opportunity of entering into dialogue with Utopia itself. The comparison, then, of Huxley’s and Lem’s literary Utopias reveals the artistic,intellectual and moral shortcomings of the former over against the latter; shortcomingsthat have especially profound social implications (as despair and nihilism) in a genre thatis home to the brightest hopes and most cherished dreams of humankind. Lem’s novel,by contrast, offers an art of possibilities that nurtures and encourages those hopes anddreams.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Michael Richard Lopez
From: Master’s Thesis, Antioch University May 1998

Other (non-critical) sites about Brave New World

Brave New World or Island – The World Must Decide
” My relationship to Aldous is one of awe and deep respect, and for me to even presume to speak about him and about his work humbles me. What I’ve gotten from readings of some of Aldous’ work is a very provocative experience, forcing me to the edge of my consciousness time and again, to explore the issues that he was exploring…”
Contains: Review
Author: Ram Dass
Author: Ram Dass
Shadows of an Invisible Man: The Role of Individuality in Invisible Man and Brave New World
“In order to see this similarity in theme more clearly, we must first peel back the layer of political meaning, which isn’t easy. As previously stated, these are both political novels on the surface, and sixty years of critical commentary that has focused specifically on this level has done little to make an alternative reading any easier: conventional wisdom tells us that Invisible Man is a treatise on the state of Black America, and Brave New World is a cautionary tale of the misuse of technology. However, we can find support for the idea that these stories are primarily about individualism in the comments of the writers themselves. “
Contains: Content Analysis,

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013