Advantages Of Electoral College

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The electoral college also know as the presidential electors are chosen to indirectly vote for the next U.S. presidents and vice presidents. The founding fathers had put this process in place in order to ensure the presidency was being elected by informed and educated people and not just by popular vote. The electoral college consists of 538 electors and in order to win the presidency, a majority of 270 electoral votes are required. Each state has a given specific amount of electors, which consists of one member from the House of Representatives and two from the House of Senates. For example, the state of California, on of the largest states holds 55 of the 270 electoral votes, while Vermont one of the smaller states, only holds 3 of the votes. …show more content…

• The system guarantees a winner in the presidential election. With the popular vote the candidate has to ensure they reach a specific percentage. In 1992 Bill Clinton won the presidential election, but had only won 43 percent of the popular vote.
• The system also guarantees competitiveness, especially since each state holds it’s own contest. Candidates have to create strategies on how they will approach each state and determine if it is worth any additional effort to win states over. The states that would gain most from the candidates for attention would be the battleground

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