Al Gore Leadership Analysis

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Leadership is the art of inspiring or motivating a person or a group of people to work hard to accomplish important tasks or to achieve a goal. There is more than one definition to being a leader and to leadership due to the various styles, traits and skills of leadership. Every leadership style and trait suits everyone differently. Some leaders may have a vision they want to share with others. Some leaders may possess the trait to inspire others to work hard to accomplish important tasks. Other leaders may have the leadership trait and motivation to motivate others to accomplish and achieve desires, goals or tasks.. There are many leadership styles like these which can be listed, but a leader that has a few of these leadership traits I have …show more content…

While he was studying at Harvard, he had gotten interested in the topic of global warming after taking a course with Professor Roger Revelle. After quitting law school in March 1976 to run for the House of Representatives, he held his first congressional hearings on climate change, and co-sponsors hearings on toxic waste and global warming. When Al Gore was elected for congress in 1976, he became a leading spokesperson on environmental issues and sponsored many congressional hearings and leadership roundtables on climate change. He would have a three-day conference that worked to create a plan that promoted growth and protected the environment at the same time. Al Gore used his status as Vice President in 1994, and launched the GLOBE program. The GLOBE Program is a primary and secondary school education program that focuses on the use of science and environmental literature to teach children on environmental issues, challenges, and leadership. He was a vocal supporter of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The U.S. did not sign the Kyoto Protocol, but Al Gore signed it as a symbol of his support. During the late 80s, and early 90s, of his political career, Al Gore continued on his mission to help with environmental issues. Al Gore claimed in 1989, “The world’s forests are being destroyed; an enormous hole is opening in the ozone layer. Living species are dying at an …show more content…

He has done many great things related to the topic of climate change and global warming. Even as the 45th Vice President of the United States or as an environmentalist. He has revealed many issues that were not considered as important as it is today; environmental issues. During his time as the Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2000 he spoke about environment issues on climate change and global warming through congressional hearings and conferences on climate change, and co-sponsors hearings on toxic waste and global warming. As the Vice President and as a leader he was brought awareness to many on the topic of global warming and climate change. He had inspired world leaders to come to his three- day conference,and they came up with the a plan to promote and protect the environment. As a leader he has inspired, motivation, and a vision on the topic of global warming and climate change. As the Vice President of the United States he had done many inspirational things. He had created an educational program for primary and secondary schools called GLOBE which focuses on the use of science and environmental literature to teach children on environmental issues, challenges, and leadership. Through this program Al Gore was giving children on awareness on environmental issues going on in the world which is untaken seriously. Even though he is not physically there and not teaching, he is inspiring

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