Benefits Of Youth Sports Essay

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How many high school athletes go on to play in college? According to only 6% of high school athletes will play in college. Meanwhile, parents in youth sports have a problem when it comes to pushing their kids, little do they know that it can hurt their kids more than it can help them. As far as youth sports go, there are the parents who are involved in the youth sports programs to develop the kid’s social skills, athletic ability, and to help keep their kids live healthy lifestyles. There are also the parents that put their children in sports with the hopes that their kids will end up going to college, getting a scholarship, and will eventually go pro. Finally, there is the group of parents that push their kids in sports because they …show more content…

Some kids just are not interested in sports. This is because sports are not for everyone, some children have interest in stuff like playing musical instruments, art, and reading, and writing. For this reason, parents should not push their kids to get out onto the football field just because their dad was the star quarterback of his high school football team, they should let their children express themselves in the way that they choose. If this is the only reason the kids will end up resenting the parents and start rebelling. Parents should let their kids adventure out and learn about themselves and what they like to do. This will help the kids later on down the road when they are trying to figure out what they would like to do in life. There are parents every year in youth sports are harming their children by pushing their children to the limit. Parents should not push their kids in sports because young kids end up getting worn out, disliking the sport, and getting hurt. So next time off season try outs come along think about signing your kid up for a different sport to help them in the future. Remember sports are just a game and are meant to be fun and enjoyable, not a

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