Beowulf Epic Hero Essay

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An epic is a long narrative poem that revolves around an epic hero. The epic “Beowulf” by an unknown author is about Beowulf the epic hero of noble birth, and extraordinary strength. He goes on a quest to kill monsters for glory. The poem highlights his bravery, strength, and noble nature, which sets him apart as an epic hero.
In his first battle, Beowulf faces the monster Grendel, demonstrating his bravery by fighting without weapons. This bravery highlights his unwavering commitment to the safety of others and sets the stage for his future battles. His physical strength is also showcased, as he is able to defeat Grendel, who had previously been unstoppable. He is seeking glory as reward. As the poem states, "His heart was filled with pride and ambition, as he sought glory in battle" (lines 718-719).
In the second battle, Beowulf faces Grendel's mother, using his intelligence and strategic thinking to defeat her. He demonstrates his wisdom by recognizing the importance of using a sword in this battle, as opposed to fighting without weapons as he did against Grendel. However, some argue that Beowulf's actions in this battle are motivated by revenge, rather than a desire to protect his people. The poem states, "He was consumed with anger, as he thought of the monster's attacks on his people" (lines 893-894). …show more content…

He recognizes the danger the dragon poses to his people and decides to fight the dragon alone, rather than risking the lives of his men. This act of selflessness ultimately leads to his death, but it showcases his devotion to the greater good and his bravery in the face of danger. However, some critics argue that Beowulf's decision to face the dragon alone is also motivated by a desire for glory and a fear of losing face in front of his followers. As the poem states, "He was determined to protect his people, even if it meant sacrificing his own life" (lines

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