Carroll Bonnet, The Victim Of The Murder Of Jerry Watson

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Who: Carroll Bonnet the victim, the suspect Jerry Watson
What: Bonnet was stabbed in his apartment and police collected evidence including Fingerprints the case went cold and was reopened when better fingerprint technology came out and solved the case.
When: 1978
Where: Omaha
Why: motive never stated by suspect

Who: Priscilla Strole the victim , Robert Hathaway the suspect
What: Strole was sexually assaulted by Hathaway and then was beaten to death. The body was later found by the victim's son. Investigators gathered evidence but all the leads burned out. The Suspect committed suicide after the police 30 years later linked his prints to the crime.
When: Aug. 31, 1983
Where: Fairfield, California
Why: the motive is mixed since she was

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