Cause Of Japanese Internment

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There are many reasons that the Japanese internment was caused and could have been prevented. One of the ways that it was caused because of pearl harbor and that everyone thought it was impossible for the Japanese to strike, which then caused American residents scared that they will strike again. One way that they could have prevented it is by having a Military ready to defend their territory (Hawaii wasn't a state by then it was a territory). One thing that causes conflict is bad communication, one way the conflict was caused in the Japanese internment is that the American citizens assumed that Japanese Americans were bad people even though someone related to them were from Japan so they are considered American citizens but have Japanese in …show more content…

Roosevelt talking to each other about what their problems with each other are so they didn’t have to go through the bombing of pearl harbor and then having to make the Japanese Americans to go to those camps because of their fear of their lower class security. Or maybe this could have been avoided if Franklin did not become president for 12 years. Maybe someone got mad about that and decided to set up Japan to Bomb Pearl Harbor to get Franklin to be scared, but that's just a theory, a Ethan Theory. But seriously I didn't get that from any source so it's just what I …show more content…

What I think of this is they should have had a bigger military better training camp and they should have been more prepared a tragedy like this. Or maybe they didn't have a fear for them at the time because no one I SAY NO ONE thought it was possible.

Still the fact that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor because of Franklin D. Roosevelt and then caused the Japanese Internment is a huge series of events and will be known in history for many centuries. Or maybe Japan just did it because they wanted, but there has to be a reason to such a tragedy. Evidence to support my claim is “The internment of people of Japanese descent in America during WWII was caused by two things. First, it was caused by a very understandable fear for the security of the country. Japan had managed to pull off the attack on Pearl Harbor, which no one had thought was possible.”
(Enotes, What were the causes of the Japanese Internment Camps.) This evidence supports my claim because it states that the Japanese internment was caused by the Bombing of Pearl

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