Differences Throughout The Age Of Exploration

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All Throughout the Age of Exploration, one can see the differences our cultures. Be it Spanish, English, French, or Native, all cultures were different in many ways. The most significant differences are seen in the English and Spanish colonies, when they began and throughout their exploration. During the colonization of the English and Spanish, one can see the differences between the importance of religion, economic gain, and how indigenous people were treated. Religion was an important role in Europe, so it is no surprise when the Europeans came over to the New World that they brought their religious views to the New World. The Spanish, being mainly or entirely Catholic, brought their religious views to the New World. The Spanish used force in their attempt to convert all indigenous people. The natives that did not convert were killed, tortured or both. The Spanish saw this as cleansing the natives of their old ways and allowing them to be reborn. The southern …show more content…

None worse than those in the way of the Spanish. The Spanish treated the natives worse than slaves and slaughtered men, women, and child in their conquest of greed. The natives never stood a chance for the Spanish Conquistadors had horses, guns, and better warfare training. Those that did not comply with the Spanish were tortured and killed. Those who stayed alive were placed into sugar plantations and were forced to work until they died. When the first English colonists came to the New World, they had agreements with the natives for trade, but after the natives usefulness ran thin, the English saw them as a weak, wild race, that were of no equal to themselves. The English and Natives fought in deadly wars on both sides, with many casualties. Later Enslaving some for their plantations. The natives were treated horribly by both European groups, but there were significant differences in

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