Doctor Assisted Suicide Essay

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I have to say you spoke very strong in this paper and I do enjoy hearing other's opinion’s on things. Please understand I am not by any means putting your opinion down, just sharing mine. I agree and disagree with you with the Death with Dignity Act. I to also have a lot of faith and believe in God, Heaven and Hell. But I know if I believe that if you end your life that you would go to hell. Yes Suicide is a horrible choice in a normal situation, and I can test to that by being way to close to this subject with in my lifetime. It is a fast way out of whatever problems, or illnesses (like depression) and leaves your friends and family to have to deal with the rest and morn the loss. But it is hard to see any type of light when you are battling. …show more content…

Yes, it is not ethical for psychologists to be involved because it goes against what they believe in. But the same goes to the doctors that have to take a part of this. They did not sign up for this when they took their oath to be a Physician. They are supposed to heal people and help make them better, same with psychologists. Doctors are reporting after treating a patient, and then having their patient choose to end their life due because the illness that is taking them anyways. After giving them the meds the doctors are becoming depressed. They are experiencing sadness, and feeling withdrawn. I can’t imagine the impact this can have on a doctor. But they don’t have the choice. If Psychologists were to be involved then that could help with the stress and pressure that the doctor is experiencing. There would also be support for the patient with deciding if this really is what they want to do. Plus there would be support for the families that are going to have to say good-bye. No matter what they are going to say good-bye, but anything that can help ad prepare our loved ones would be what I would want for my family. So I think even though it is not ethical for Psychologists to be involved, I believe they should be due to the amount of impact they can have on everyone

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