Essay On Greed In The Gilded Age

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The Gilded Age was a time of rapid social change and industrial growth in the United States. This time period, between 1865 and 1900, saw active industrialization and a large increase in new wealth. Despite its achievements, however, this era between was plagued by poverty, crime, corruption, and many other class-based issues between America’s rich and poor. Greed was at the root of these issues. Greed caused the wealthy to become selfish and resort to doing anything in order to increase their monopolies. Greed is a never-ending desire for more, even if it’s not deserved. Greed is the cause of major class issues in the American society. Greed has always been a prominent factor in American history. The greed during the Gilded Age brought on a period of tremendous corruption. Political machines drove the politics, and used corruption to ensure the election of their money-supplying candidates. Businessmen falsifying contracts and using voter fraud to ensure the Senate's activity in such fraudulent behavior. Business owners would cash flow finances into the hands of corrupt politicians. Businessmen would also cut pay working men and pour that money into politics. These acts were the motivation for copious amounts of strikes, such …show more content…

Greed caused many business owners to ignore safety requirements. In this case the businessmen made it so the workers could only leave the building through narrow exits, this was so they could be checked for any stolen material. No other easily accessible exits, no safety precautions. Safety, or the lack thereof, was a huge reason why strikes were taking place. Wage cuts, long working hours, and in general, poor working conditions were also attributes to strikes. Workers were being forced to work like slaves because they knew they all needed the money in this "rich get richer"

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