Examples Of Irony In Lamb To The Slaughter

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Jacob Marlin
Lamb to the Slaughter
In the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl uses two types of ironies to have an unexpected ending in the story. The two irony used in this story are verbal irony and dramatic irony. The first type of irony in this story is verbal irony “If you’re too tired to eat out tonight as we planned, I can fix you something. There plenty of meat and stuff in the freezer. Her eyes waited to see an answer, a smile, a nod, but he made no sign.” Verbal irony is when the writer or the speaker says something but means something else. This quote is verbal irony because She was planning on making him something to eat but she changed her mind and use the meat of a lamb to kill him from a blow of the back

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