Examples Of Mass Hysteria In The Crucible

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There is something at large that has the potential to wipe all of us out! And it’s name is mass hysteria. What is mass hysteria? You ask. Well it happens when a large amount of people start to fear or act upon a rumor backed by no significant evidence, just pure speculation and opinion. Mass hysteria is a great enemy to humans and just makes us look like we aren’t worth a single breathe. One of the best and craziest examples of mass hysteria is the never to be forgotten ole Salem witch trials. Arthur miller wrote a great play about what is believed to have happened in Salem during the the late 1600’s. The play's name is the Crucible. Many people including myself believe that Arthur miller had a point to make in mind while writing the Crucible. Miller uses Allegory in the Crucible to warn people of Mass hysteria and what it can do to everyday people. …show more content…

Mass hysteria is like a extremely contagious virus that spreads like none other. Most people just want to fit in with majority of the so called “normal” population. So they will do whatever it takes to be like their peers. Anything from saying they have the same favorite color to robbing a convenience store to be accepted into a street gang. The severity of the type of conformity varies drastically, but it’s amazing how when it comes to mass hysteria, tens of thousands of people will all have the same fear over something usually so stupid. If this isn’t the biggest and best example of conformity then I don’t know what is not to mention dumbest. “She danced for multiple days by herself, but by the seventh day, 34 others had joined, by the end of the month, 400 people were dancing with Mrs.Troffea.” (Tim Unkenholz, pg.2) This proves that very very large groups of people can all be pulled in and drowned by mass

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