George Orwell Research Paper

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George Orwell George Orwell is one of the greatest authors to live on Earth. He lived from June 25, 1903 to January 21, 1950. He accomplished many things, such as writing the popular novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. He also had strong opinions and spoke about them, things like imperialism (using military force to get people to do what they want them to do) and communism. His name used to be Eric Arthur Blair until he changed it. George Orwell lived a great life and accomplished many things in his life. Orwell entered the world June 25, 1903. He was born in Motihari, India because he father was stationed there by the military. After a year of living there, he moved to Henley-on-Thames, England with his mother and sister. Orwell …show more content…

He was shot in the throat and arm, leaving him unable to speak for many weeks. He also later found out he had tuberculosis in 1938 and had no cure against it. To support himself, he had to write lots of books. He also later became the producer on a famous British News Program called BBC. He later quit because he didn’t like the job. Towards the end of his life, Orwell published two popular books, one being Animal Farm and the other being Nineteen Eighty-Four. They were both made into movies and were wildly popular with all kinds of people. Animal Farm is about a farm where animals have overthrown the humans working there and turned it into a communist society. Nineteen Eighty-Four is about a dystopian and what would happen if the government controlled everyone’s lives, down to what their thoughts are. Orwell was married to Eileen O’Shaughnessy until the point in her life where she died (1945). Before that, they adopted a son, which was later raised by Orwell’s sister, Avril. After his wife’s death, he proposed to another women named Sonia Brownell in 1950. When Orwell died on January 21, 1950 due to tuberculosis, she inherited all his money. She also made a career by working on Orwell’s legacy and proclaiming his novels

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