How Did Benjamin Franklin Influence Colonial America

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Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts and died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the age of 84. He can be described as a many-sided Renaissance American since during his life he developed great careers as a writer, publisher, scientist, inventor, diplomat and politician. Even though he accomplished these many tittles in his life, he never received a formal education longer than 2 years due to his parent’s economic position, being this the main reason why he got sent to work at the young age of 13, being his first job at his dad’s printing press. Franklin ran away from home at the age of 17 pursuing his dream of having his own printing shop and newspaper, where he could publish all his letters and writings without the …show more content…

In 1775 it begins this international conflict named the American Revolution, which was the war between Great Britain and the American 13 Colonies in order to obtain the independence from the European nation. The main causes for this war were power, money, high taxation process that was imposed to the American citizens by the British government, and lack of a voice and representation in the Parliament.
Prussia played an important role in the taxation process, since they wanted to get money from all the merchandise that was moved overseas, from port to port, and this started to disgust the American people, who only wanted to be an independent nation and enjoy the benefits that this would bring with it, reason why they would firmly fight for their …show more content…

Most of the battles were held mainly in New York, New Jersey and South Carolina, and thousands of Americans were either killed, wounded or taken as prisoners, included in this last group a big number of slaves as well. One of Franklin letters reads the following regarding the destruction and murdering of America:

“On July 5, 1775, Franklin wrote to his friend William Strahan: “You are a Member of the Parliament, and one of that Majority which has doomed my Country to Destruction. - You have begun to burn our towns, and murder our people. – Look upon your Hands! They are stained with the Blood of your Relations! – You and I were long friends: - You are now my enemy, - and I

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