How Did Elie Wiesel Change In Night

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Imagine being a fourteen-year-old child during one of history’s most atrocious memoir events. Elie Weisel's memoir Night reveals his experiences and memories during the holocaust in the years 1914–1945. The Holocaust was a period of appalling suffering and loss for Jews and non-Jews during Hitler's reign. During this period, Elie Weisel changed from a spiritually sensitive little boy to a spiritually dead, unemotional man.
Elie Wiesel was emotional before the holocaust, in which he describes how his faith and religious passion were deeply rooted in a way that others about him could understand. He was a sensitive young boy who had a decent childhood and lived a happy life before the Holocaust "One day I asked my father to find me a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah; you are too young for that" (4 p). …show more content…

Wiesel changed from a young, vibrant teenager to a spiritually dead man after witnessing the horrors of the Holocaust in the concentration camps. His faith in God was tested when he saw all the injustice happening. He became numb and lost hope.
"For God’s sake, where is he?" This where-hanging here from this gallows… (65p)
When Elie saw what was happening to good people and wondered how these things could happen to innocent people, he lost faith in God. God permitted these things to happen to innocent people.
Elie changed into an unemotional man because of the Holocaust, which deeply impacted him emotionally in a very negative way. I can’t imagine how he felt as a young teen seeing his loved ones die. It was very brave of him to go through all the trauma.
"I shall not describe my life during death; nothing matters to me anymore." (113)
When Elie's father died nothing else mattered to him. He became an unemotional man because of all the trauma he had been through and the loved ones he had

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