How Did George Washington's Death Prior To The American Revolutionary War?

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What if George Washington had died prior to the American Revolutionary War? General George Washington was not only the first president of the United States of America, but he was also the leader of the Patriots during combat. In the historical fiction book Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson, the win by the Patriots at Princeton is described as a major win. The Patriots held prisoners, so the British started treating their prisoners better (ch. XL). A man by the name of Thomas Hickey almost caused the war to end. Thomas was a good soldier who helped out General George Washington on numerous occasions. However, everything was about to change. During the American Revolutionary War, Thomas Hickey was a member of General Washington’s new unit, and he was convicted of sedition. …show more content…

This unit was known by many names such as His Excellency’s Guard, Washington’s Body Guards, General’s Guard, and the Washington Life Guards, but the most common name was the Life Guards (“Life Guards”). Some people even described them as a “special breed” (“George Washington Assembles…”). General Washington had very high standards such as sobriety, honesty, and good behavior (“Life Guards”). Only fifty to seventy men when in the unit (“Life Guards”). The Life Guards had one job, and that was to protect both General Washington and any paper that were with him (“George Washington Assembles...”). The motto of this new unit was “Conquer or Die” (“Life Guards”). They needed this motto because they were facing a better and more advanced military, the Patriots were losing the war, and they needed to “conquer” more land (“Life Guards”). Further proving that Thomas Hickey was a great

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