Child Labor In The 1800s Essay

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In the late 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was brought to the United States from Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution was a time period which brought people from the rural areas to the city. Most manufacturing took place in people’s homes using home-made tools, and basic machines. Henceforth, innovation was needed to speed the process of making clothes, enhancing the transportation system, better mass production of iron and more. On the other hand, child labor sprung up a big issue during that time. Children were underpaid, abused, had a very low education rate, but also had to work to support their family. Later, reformers and lawmakers tried to pass laws to stop, and help decrease the amount of child labor happening in their state, but that did not help much because as the inventors …show more content…

All children under the age of fifteen who worked in factories had to complete a minimum of three months of school. Soon another law declared children to work a maximum of 10 hours a day. Shorter work hours, upgraded working conditions, and age requirements were all changes in the system of child labor from 1802 to 1878. In 1885 a law was passed stating children were under the age of twelve they could only use the breakers, but if kids were under twelve they could mine. However, that later changed in 1902 when laws were passed to change the mining age from twelve to fourteen. It took may years for American to band child labor, but by 1899 twenty-eight laws were passed to help prevent child employment. Even though these laws were, in play many states did not administer the rules in the workplace. In fact, the Federal Government tied to reinforce the laws in the early 1900s, but did so work so in 1938 the Government began to patrol work places and made children stop working under the age of 16 full-time. During holidays, and after school hours’ children 14-15 could

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