How To Write A Eulogy For Eddie's Death

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Eddie lived a life full of hurt, help, and happiness. Eddie died unexpectedly yet doing what he does best, helping children. He thought his life was a waste, because all he did was work at Ruby Pier. After he went to heaven and met all 5 people he came to the realization that his life was not a waste.
The blue man with the first person he met in heaven. He was a man with a hard life. He tried to commit suicide by poisoning himself but instead the poison turned his skin blue. He was from then on looked on as a freak. Eddie only met him once briefly as a kid. The blue man taught Eddie that life matters for everyone no matter who it is. He also taught him that everybody was put in his life for a reason. Captain is the second person he meets …show more content…

I never got to meet my Grandpa Lyon because he died around the age of 35 from skin cancer. I have heard my things about him and I have always looked at pictures of him. I chose my grandpa because I always hear great things about him and I think he watches over me. Our conversations might include things like him telling me about his life and telling me things about my life that I didn 't know about. He will tell me how he watched me and my family grow. The lesson I will learn from my grandpa is that even though he died before I was born he still plays a big role in my …show more content…

When I was 7 years old my mom had a miscarriage. We named the baby Gabriel because we didn 't know if the baby was a boy or a girl so the name can go both ways. I chose Gabriel because I always felt like I am missing a sibling. We will talk about what it is like to watch out siblings grow from and earth and heaven stand point. We will also talk about suffering and I dealt with it in my life. Gabriel will teach me that suffering is a good thing because it helps our relationships grow stronger. Gabriel will also teach me even though our family suffered because we lost Gabriel it helped us grow closer as a

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