Jessica Lunsford Murder Essay

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The life and murder of Jessica Lunsford, was a very senseless crime that never should have happened in the first place. This 9yr old little girl granted didn’t have a very good childhood but to some kids it was better that she could ever get, I feel for this kid! Her mom and separated and cannot get alone even if they tried too. Now have to mourn the death of their beloved daughter Jessica, because of a man who nothing else better to do but prey on young kids and can’t keep his hands to himself. She was a kid that was full of life and very adventurous in her own way, never hurting anyone and had a lot of friends to play with. A kid that loved big stuffed animals and going to school every day now cannot even say good morning Daddy, Grandma …show more content…

Not only was he dangerous but his record included arrest for Burglary, Carry a Concealed weapon without a permit and Indecent Exposure. This to me already rings out Sex Offender right there!!! He was also accused of grabbing a girl from her home and placing his hands over her mouth and kissing her back in the late 70’s he did 10 yrs in prison and was let out in the early 80’s. No sooner that he was let out of prison back in the early 90’s, he preyed on little kids by fondling them as young as 5 yrs of age in Kissimmee Florida. This to me says, that this is a Criminals signature that describes not only why? He went to prison but how we as citizens and as a police officer and detectives can know if this is the right man we are looking for to bring to Justice and make sure he never see’s the streets …show more content…

Suspect then brutally raped victim in his trailer home and telling her to keep quiet also as he finished sexually assaulting her he hidden her in his closet till Monday, were he promised to take her home then so he couldn’t be seen with her. The suspect made the victim get into a Garbage bag and wrapped her up with tape and insulation wire. Never taking her back he took her out back of his residence about 100 ft. away from his residence and buried her in a 2 ft. dug up grave and covered her with dirt and leaves, as victim tried to get out there were two holes made were victim tried to get oxygen to breath but was not successful and later

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