Julius Caesar Betrayal Quotes

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“The Saddest things about betrayal is that it never comes from your own Enemies”. It comes from your friends and loved ones” (Search Quotes). To demonstrate, Julius Caesar was Brutus’s best friend and Caesar thought he would never betray him however, Brutus ended up stabbing him. Brutus betrayed Caesar because he thought it would be better for Rome. In the same way, Judas was one of Jesus disciples and at the last supper he betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Judas wanted something in return for his betrayal in the form of money. This research paper will give the reader lots of reasons, evidence and explanations why Judas and Brutus betray their friends Jesus and Caesar. To begin, Caesar was a Roman General and a politician. The common …show more content…

“Such men as he be never at hearts ease while they behold a greater than themselves, and therefore are they very dangerous. I rather tell thee what is to be feared than what I fear, for always I am Caesar, come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf and tell me truly what thou thinkest of him”. (Shakespeare 1.2.208-214) Therefore, Caesar is explaining why he has distrust in Cassius and that he can never be trusted. Caesar thinks Cassius might be dangerous. Antony stated this “Fear him not, Caesar, he’s not dangerous he is a noble Roman, and well given”. (Shakespeare 1.2.196-197). Antony states why Caesar shouldn’t be afraid of Cassius and that he is a noble Roman. Caesar gets warning from a soothsayer about what might happen to him. Then Antony states it like this “A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March”.(Shakespeare 1.2.18). The soothsayer warns him what will happen on this day. Caesar thinks the soothsayer is lying about what will happen to him. Caesar states. “He is a dreamer; let us leave him. Pass”. (Shakespeare 1.2.24). Caesar’s wife warns him of the ides of March and he doesn’t listen. She stated “ Your wisdom is consumed in confidence do not go forth today. Call it my …show more content…

Later on for Jesus “Then the time had come. Soldiers and officials appeared, and Judas was with them” (Biography. com). Before Jesus was taken away Judas gave him a kiss on the cheek. The Bible states this “He gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek to identify him and the soldiers arrested Jesus” (Biography. com). Before being apprehended, Jesus heeded Peter with these words, “Jesus told Peter that before a rooster crowd the next morning, he would have denied knowing Jesus three times ”, (biography.com). Earlier, Peter had remembered something that Jesus said. According to what is written, “Peter had followed Jesus to the high priest 's’ court. As he hid in the shadows, three house servants asked if he was one of Jesus’ disciples and each time he denied it. After each denial a rooster crowed then Jesus was led out of the house and looked directly at Peter” (biography.com). Peter cried when he remembered what Jesus had told him. As Luke 22.53 recalls “Peter remembered how Jesus had told him he would deny him and he wept bitterly” (biography.com). When Judas saw what was happening to Jesus he became distraught. The Bible recalls , “ Judas who was watching from a distance became distraught by his betrayal of Jesus and attempted to return 30 pieces of silver. The priests told him his guilt was his own. He threw the coins into

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