Jury Of Her Peers By Susan Glaspell

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In “Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell, Mrs. Wright is accused of murdering her husband. While the sheriff, Mr. Peters, is having difficulty finding the motive. On the other hand, Mrs. Hale and the sheriff’s wife, Mrs. Peters, discover three significant clues in their ability to relate to Mrs. Wright. Although Mrs. Wright claims to have been asleep during her husband’s murder, the women conclude she strangled her husband, Mr. Wright, as evidenced by the errant quilt patch, broken birdcage, and slaughtered canary. First, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters notice an errant quilt patch in an otherwise beautiful quilt. The women notice how lovely the other quilts are and how the other rough-looking patch stands out: “all the rest of them had been so …show more content…

While admiring Mrs. Wright’s pretty sewing box, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover Minnie’s dead bird: “There’s something wrapped in this piece of silk.” For a poor woman like Mrs. Wright, silk must have been difficult to acquire. She could barely afford new clothing, yet she used this extremely expensive silk to wrap her deceased pet. This shows the importance of the canary to Mrs. Wright and how upsetting its death would be. Similarly, how resentful Minnie would be towards the killer of her precious bird. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters contemplate this disturbing discovery, and they wonder who else could be capable of this act of violence. They know Mrs. Wright surely did not do it, as she cared for the bird greatly, she even “used to sing real pretty herself” and the women have already concluded “she would’ve liked a bird.” That leaves Mr. Wright, and due to the fact that he broke the birdcage, it is only reasonable that he killed the bird as well. This realization that the women make leads them to what the men have been searching for all day, a motive. Mr. Wright likes the quiet, so he killed the singing canary which happens to be the only thing bringing happiness to Mrs. Wright. Since Mr. Wright has killed the only thing bringing her joy in life, Mrs. Wright decides to kill her

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