Larry Ellison Research Paper

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Oracle’s Larry Ellison: A Profile of Power, influence, Dominance
Sonam Suti Lama
MNGT 5590
Professor Witt
July 5, 2023

Larry Ellison is a well-known American businessman and technology magnate who is best known as the co-founder and former CEO of Oracle Corporation. His original perspective altered the software business, particularly with the relational database management system developed by Oracle. Oracle grew to become one of the world's leading technology businesses because to Ellison's business acumen and strategic leadership. With a substantial net worth, he has established himself as a significant figure in both the tech industry and philanthropy, leaving an everlasting effect …show more content…

To begin, he uses his expert power to demonstrate his knowledge and skill in the technology field, allowing him to influence people based on his reputation and competency. Second, he wields referent power by building an attractive and powerful persona that attracts followers and inspires loyalty. Furthermore, as Oracle's Chairman and CEO, Ellison has real power, using his formal authority to make choices and shape the company's direction. Finally, he demonstrates coercive authority by using aggressive measures to assert control and push others to conform to his goals, such as public criticism and aggressive acquisitions.

2) How do the two faces of power relate to Larry Ellison's actions?
Larry Ellison's actions exemplify both faces of power. On one hand, he exercises structural power through strategic acquisitions, expanding Oracle's reach and influence in the software industry. Ellison's ability to acquire and integrate other businesses demonstrates his command of economic resources and organizational structures. On the other hand, Ellison also demonstrates personal power through his public criticisms, confrontations, and the use of his personal influence to shape events. His ability to publicly berate HP's board and executives showcase his personal authority and persuasive abilities. Together, these two faces of power enable Ellison to exert control over both industry dynamics and individual …show more content…

While Ellison's actions may be perceived as ambitious and driven, some detractors believe that his aggressive pursuit of supremacy, including hostile takeovers and public confrontations, presents ethical concerns. His confrontational manner and contempt for competitors' opinions have been characterized as destructive to the industry and detrimental to healthy competition. Others may argue that Ellison's actions are legitimate in the context of corporate competition and advancing Oracle's interests. Finally, the ethical appraisal of Ellison's power usage is dependent on individual perceptions and ethical

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