Marshall University Plane Crash Essay

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The hillside popped out of nowhere and there was no time to change their path. The tragic accident that happened killed lots of people. The whole football team died on the plane crash when they hit the hillside. Marshall University plane crash was a tragedy that changed the way the university recruited player. The whole town mourn their loss and worked together to move on. The Marshall University crash was not good for the university. Marshall's football team was pathetic and didn't win a game for more than a season (Plane crash devastates Marshall university, 2009). The football team hasn't always been the best. in 1970's they didn't have a winning streak, the had a 20 game losing streak and 2 streaks that reached to 10 (Wulf, 1997). In 1970, …show more content…

After the plane crash they had to get a new head coach, the new head coach didn't have much to start of with except for a couple of players that weren't on the plane because they were hurt (wulf, 1997). Everything was gone when the plane crashed. they had to start from scratch to get new uniforms, players, coaches, and trainers. They even thought about shutting the program down (price, 1997). Marshalls new coach wanted to help the team out by rebuilding the team and help them gain their confidence backup. After the plane crash. The NCAA gave Marshall access to letting there freshmen play in the football games (Plane crash devastates Marshall University, 2009). Some of the players thought it was awesome to let the freshman play in the game. They were so glad to part of rebuilding the team from scratch. The head coach wanted to rebuild the team (Wagner, 2006). Rebuilding the team wasn't easy because the only players that lived because they weren't on the crash were freshman. At this time in the world freshman weren't aloud to play. So they were granted permission to play the freshman and recruit as many players as possible. Before the 1971 season started they had enough players to play a game and take the field (wulf, …show more content…

Marshals first game after the crash was only one week after the crash. they said that everyone was there from all around the united states and lots of home crowd. there was so much it set a stadium record. The president of The United States was at the following game of the plane crash just seven days before. that tells you that this incident was heard worldwide (wagner, 2006). All though the team won their first home game they only won one other game after that (Plane crash devastates Marshall University, 2009). After the win after the crash Marshall university's football team was on a sports illustrated magazine (wagner, 2006). Although the team didn't win their first game since the plane crash they still did not give up and won their first home game of the season (Plane crash devastates Marshall University,

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