Napoleon Monologue For Animal Farm

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Is the purpose of life to live happily and freely? Or is it to live a miserable life under a supreme leader who is just another animal like you and me. If that’s the case, then we have accomplished the goal of life. If it isn’t’, than we have failed miserably.
Fellow comrades, I have lived long enough to witness the wrath of Mr. Jones. I have lived long enough to witness the corruption of Napoleon. Old Major expressed his dream of the perfect utopia for all animals. But there is one thing that we all haven’t experienced together, that is freedom.
I have observed the corruption and manipulation surrounding me, yet I was unwilling to talk. Through the years, I wasn’t willing to feel inspired by the rebellion. I have always remained silent. But …show more content…

It is this very windmill that our Boxer has sacrificed his life for, a sacrifice he made for the sake of our Animal Farm. Yet where were the pigs? Where was Napoleon as we were facing the harsh conditions of cold blooded war? The pigs were feasting on the apples that we earned. The pigs were quenching their thirst on the gallons of milk that you cows produced while you were burning outside in the heat of a summer’s day. Chickens, it was the pigs that have taken your beloved eggs away from …show more content…

We witnessed it before our eyes but we told ourselves what we saw was false. We held the truth to what happened to poor Boxer, yet we wanted to believe the lies we heard and ignore what we saw. It was the pigs that sold Boxer to the knackers and for what comrades, for money to buy whiskey. Yet have we forgotten the commandment “No animal shall kill another animal”. Now sheep’s, have you forgotten the commandment that you were taught “four legs good, two legs bad”? We have witnessed the same pigs walking on two legs. We have witnessed the same pigs drunk enjoying a game of cards with humans to the extent where we couldn’t tell the difference between human and

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