Once More To The Lake Analysis

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"The Brown Wasps" and "Once More to the Lake" Comparison Essay Writers masterpiece is not only recognized for its beauty but also for the different brush stoke they have on their canvas. Loren Eiseley 's "The Brown Wasps" and E.B. White 's "Once More to the Lake" are two masterpieces that are alike in beauty but the brush strokes are very different. E.B. White 's essay focuses on the most enjoyable moment of his childhood while Loren Eiseley 's essay focuses on how humans and animals act in the similar matter. These two retrospect essays let readers slip past the wall of place, memory and time. Firstly, both authors have a different understanding of what place is. When Loren Eiseley recalls her childhood, she recalls animals like the pigeon, mice and the wasp. She looks at them and their place where they felt comfort and safe. For example, when the mice kept digging a burrow as deep as it can, in the fern plant, in Loren Eiseley 's apartment …show more content…

Thirdly, time is seen differently in both essays. In "The Brown Wasps" the audience learns that as time passes on, humans and animals alike want to return to things that you are familiar with. Also in Loren Eiseley essay, she is not lost to time. We know this because for sixty years after she moved away she still kept track off of the tree would have or has grown in the time after she moved. On the other hand, in "Once More to the Lake" the author 's internal struggle has given a wrong concept of time to him. In the beginning, the author experienced the lake as he did when he came as a kid. Throughout his new experience, he saw minor changes to the lake and surrounding. Near the end of the story his son decides to jump in the lake during a rainstorm, E.B. White has no intention of doing so. At this moment he realized how close death is and he is aware that he is no longer experiencing the lake as a child. Instead, this experience has been passed down to his kid, and the author feels the dreadful passage of time and

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