Paleo Diet Recipes Research Paper

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Paleo diet recipes are gluten, dairy, soy and preservative free. An ideal diet for toddlers that have food allergies. Paleo Recipes are Back to Mother Nature a whole food diet for the whole family. Founded by our ancestors, the Caveman consisting: fresh meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and nature food enhancers.

In this commercial society parents it is convenient getting pre-packaged baby food that may have little if any nutrients for your toddler. Check the label verifies if food contains artificial coloring and or preservatives. Paleo Diet Recipes contains no artificial coloring and are preservative free. Paleo diets toddlers a whole food diet establishes eating habits that maintain a healthier life.

Paleo Toddler Recipes: …show more content…

Add chopped coriander, cover pan and cook for a further 2 minutes.

Season with salt to taste. Cool slightly before serving. Provided: The Paleo Recipes Cookbook

Tomato and Basil Salad

Nutritious finger food salad for toddlers. Quick and Easy Paleo Recipe for the whole family.


Fresh organic cherry tomatoes
Fresh chopped basil
Olive oil
Combine all ingredients in bowl and mix well. Serve

Paleo Broccoli and Pine-Nut Soup - Family comfort food for toddlers


1 finely chopped onion ( can used white or red onion)
3 Cups diced broccoli
3 Cups chicken or vegetable stock
¾ Cup pine-nuts

Fry finely chopped onions in sauce pan using vegetable oil.
Place all ingredients in food processor or blender until smooth
Heat and Serve
Watermelon Popsicles

Fun and nutritious Paleo Toddler Dessert Recipe. This is delicious and healthy recipe for the whole family. Watermelon can be substituted with Cantaloupe, Peaches, Mango, Strawberries or pineapple.


6 Cups seedless watermelon
2 Tablespoons of fresh lime or lemon juice

Blend in food processor or blender until completely liquefied
Mix in lime

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