Personal Narrative: Moving Out Of Florida

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My heart was briskly pumping. I have never been this fearful and apprehensive for anything in my life. The event that would transform my life forever was happening. This was the day I was going to move out of Florida When I was informed of the news at the beginning of the summer, I was unsure on how to react. I felt frantic and bewildered by the situation. This thought had never crossed my mind as I was elated for summer. I could not believe the fact that I was being told to abandon everything and everyone I had developed a relationship with. I was proud of my achievements in Florida. I spent a lot of time and effort volunteering to help out my community. I developed strong friendships. I loved several things about Florida: the weather, the people, the culture and the diversity. Everything that I cherished for so long was about to vanish. …show more content…

This is the reminiscence of my first soccer game that I refereed. I was volunteering for the local soccer league as they needed assistance. As a fourteen-year old, I did not know what to expect. All I could think about was the roaring of the parents, and how much pressure was on my shoulders to make the right calls. It was ironic since I was refereeing a game for thirteen-year old players. When I blew the whistle to make the first foul call, I was unsure how the spectators would acknowledge the situation. The parents began to jeer, and the coach was yelling

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