Personal Statement: A Career As A State FFA Officer

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As a State FFA Officer, we are the greatest representatives of Agriculture in not only our state, but the nation as well. As agriculturalists, farmers, businessmen and women, government officials, family and friends follow us throughout our year, they will be highly influenced by our example. This year as a State Officer I have a great hope to advocate for agriculture. It is essential to help promote the image of agriculture in a positive way, sharing great stories, ideas and future plans for this industry. The objective as a State FFA Officer is to inspire the people we meet by showing them the opportunities found in agriculture. We have a great influence as we meet many people throughout the year. My main goal in the promotion of agriculture …show more content…

Another incredible opportunity we have as state officers is to reach the citizens of this state. Over the course of the year, State Officers reach over 6,000 FFA members across 29 counties and 84,899 square miles of landscape, from suburban areas to rural communities. Not only are we reaching members, but we are reaching out to schools, communities and people who want to know more about the jacket we wear and the association we represent. Through this outreach, we can share with all those we meet about the Utah FFA Association. Not only the association but the amazing influence it has on high school students and their career success. My goal as a state officer will be to bring our team together to set a plan to promote FFA and agriculture to those we will be teaching in chapter visits. Our team will try to find out about different associations within schools and reach out to them to see how we can intermingle all the different clubs and connect how their personal interests in those clubs can be innovative in agriculture. I think this will be a great deal of advocacy for all clubs and schools as we bring together diversity and knowledge to share about our passions for what we

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