Pro Euthanasia Persuasive Essay

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It would be a tremendously awful thing to wake up one morning and be told by your doctor that you don’t have very long to live. Cancer is either slowly or quickly taking away your life and you are unfortunately losing the battle but you don’t want this parasite to win. You will not let it win but how? Some people keep their pride and go with a smile on their face surrounded by family. Others choose euthanasia. Euthanasia is special medicine used in the treatment of physician assisted suicides. A doctor prepares the medicine and gives it to the patient who consumes it. After consumption, the medicine will take effect and the patient will die a quick, painless death. So far, doctor assisted suicides are legal in five states which are Oregon, Montana, Vermont, California, and Washington. I believe that people should have the right to choose if they want to die or not. …show more content…

There are many good reasons as to why somebody would want to do this. If someone has had cancer for a while, or anything else life threatening, and they want to end the constant pain, suffering, hospital bills, wasted time, torment, and want to stop being miserable all together, and they make the decision to end their life then let them do so gracefully. If a patient wants to end their life with their dignity still intact and they feel as if the better way is euthanasia and not letting their terminal disease take their life then I agree with them. Euthanasia helps patients who want to end their suffering quicker, just finally come to peace, and who don’t want to lose the battle by letting their illness overcome them. I see no wrong in

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