Pros And Cons Of Dictatorship In The United States

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A dictatorship is government ruled where one or more than one group is in full control over every aspect of government. It’s the absolute rule made my one person over many people that the government oversees. Now with the way dictatorship is set up, democracy and people’s opinions are hard to come by. This idea that every dictatorship is evil isn’t always the case. There are such things as a good dictator who listens to the people, but that is very rare.

In the United States particularly, there are three branches of government, the judicial branch, executive branch, and the legislative branch. Each branch is a separate entity and as a result one cannot be in any other at the same time. This allows checks and balances between the groups, although lately it doesn’t seem that way. With the way our government is set up, no one person rules over everyone else. The president in the executive branch does have the most power in relation to any one person, but I do not think this means that there is any dictatorship going on. …show more content…

This means that we are a democratic republic, where the people elect others to create laws, carry out laws, and overall run the country. Of course, then there are lobbyists who can decide elections using money. The circulation in money around the government isn’t the best idea, as money does talk. Overall, I do not think the United States is a dictatorship as there are many worse countries in the past that have undergone a terrible dictatorship. So in comparison it isn’t the worst country to live

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