Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The article which title reads “Will more states abolish capital punishment?” is based most of it on facts. When an essay is based on facts, I believe gives a great amount of credibility considering the arguments that exist in the article. In addition, it shares valuable information about the criminal justice system in the United States.
This video is based on a true story; it is about a lawyer that needs to defend a young-adult boy since he has committed a murder. However, this story, in particular, could compel a change in the way you envisage the death penalty. He explains aspects of the process, and how everyone could prevent being in such awkward and unfortunate situation. I believe this could give me a broader perspective and understanding …show more content…

The subtitle “Pro/Con: Should capital punishment be abolished in the United States?” gave an insight into the debate which helped me understand both sides of the discussion. In addition, I believe the information will have a tremendous impact in my essay due to the fact that even though I was against the death penalty and still are, I could observe what other points of view were. This source was the first one investigated and I will utilize for my argumentative essay, moreover, it has urged me into the understanding of why this topic causes a number of conflicts in the societies around the world.
This article has awakened my curiosity since it has the chronology concerning the death penalty. The specific time when it started is July 2015 to June 2016, and it mentions the entire problem of executions taking place in the United States. It will be of great help since uncovering the problems and the facts will enhance the topic at hand. In addition, it will reveal information that will endure my argument, portraying my perspective with a clear view and truthful

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