Pros And Cons Of The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

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Mehak Yaqoob
April 13, 2018
Research Assignment
History 103
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates History are past events that makes the world what it is today. Moments in history impact and effect future events. It can change the political, social, and economic ideas and status of the world. Every event had a cause and effect that changed our lives as we are today. A historical moment that changed the shape of the United States of America is the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. The aftermath of these debates were one’s that were remembered for a long time; and still are. These debates are obviously the most drastic contrasting views that were shown between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in History.
It was a series of seven debates, also known as the …show more content…

Major papers from Chicago sent Stenographers to create complete texts of each debate. It was so intense that there were newspapers that were solely from and for each political party. The democrats and the republicans each had their own newspapers devoted to them and edited their parties’ speeches. The format of the debate was the first candidate would talk for 60 mins, then the second candidate would talk for 90 minutes and lastly, it would go back to the first candidate who would talk for another 30 mins. The first debates started with Douglas as the first and candidate and the last three with Lincoln. The Lincoln-Douglas had some great effects that even Lincoln said, “these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent.” Washington paper headline said, “The battle of the Union is to be fought in Illinois.” They believed that maybe the outcome of these debates would determine if the Democratic Party can maintain unity with Slavery and on the Union.
Douglas was opposed of President James Buchanan and the southern Democratic leadership when he opposed of Kansas as a slave state under the Lecompton constitution. Hence, he received support and interest from the republicans. Then, Buchanan and the south shifted gears to Lincoln. Lincoln used this advantage to keep them from going to Douglas side and winning …show more content…

However, Lincoln disagreed with this idea. He believed and argued that Popular Sovereignty would nationalize and perpetuate slavery. Douglas counter-attacked this belief by saying that both the Whigs and Democrats strongly believed in Popular Sovereignty and used the Compromise of 1850 as a great example of in history. Lincoln also said and believed that Slavery was growing because of Douglas popular is allowing territories to make their own decisions. He even said that Douglas wanted to expand it. Douglas ignored and did not address these allegations.
Furthermore, Lincoln believed this was an issue of right and wrong and Douglas wants to do wrong. He said to resolve this will and can only be by the power of the federal government to end it completely. Douglas countered this saying and predicting that using morals to solve a political issue would cause a Civil War. He believed in the power of the people and anything should be the wishes of the

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