Salvage The Bones, And The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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The books, Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward, and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, are exemplary models of an American family in poverty, and their journey and struggle to survive. They had to live off of what they had and they thought their lifestyles were normal until realizing others have it easier. Each of these families used different strategies in order to survive their insolvent circumstances and hardships. In Salvage the Bones, Esch and her family kept moving and giving each other strength to survive, during a devastating storm in which left them homeless. In The Glass Castle, even though the Walls family was in poverty and didn’t have a permanent home and were always moving. Their father distracted them from their problems by filling their …show more content…

The novel, Salvage the Bones, was narrated by a girl named, Esch Batiste, who lived in Bois Sauvage, Mississippi, in a small, fallen apart house. She spends most of her time with her three brothers; Randall, Skeetah, and Junior. Their mother had died giving birth to Junior. Due to this, their father is a drunken mess who only worries about the hurricane Katrina. Later in the story, Esch found out she was pregnant with Skeetah’s best friend's’ baby at the age of fourteen. She knew her family wouldn’t be able to financially support the baby, so she kept the secret from them. During this time, Skeetah was caring for his fighter dog, China, and her puppies. Since they were a poor family, Skeetah would often have to steal food and other materials to care for them. They often stole from a richer families’ home; they took materials for the house

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