Theories Of Situational Leadership

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The Model- Situational Leadership Situational leadership was a leadership theory explained long back in 1969 by Dr Paul Hersey. It is a model for all leaders, managers, teachers, employees, etc for effectively influencing others. The original situational leadership by Dr Hersey is based on the relationship between leaders and employees, and this in turn serves as a framework to analyse each situation which is based on: ● The amount of guidance and direction a leader gives ● The amount of emotional support a leader provides ● How ready the employees are in performing any specific activity or task. Thus on the basis of this we can identify three important steps of the situational leadership model: ● To identify the most important tasks/activities/priorities …show more content…

Similar to directing, coaching also requires the manager to define the roles and tasks clearly, however, the leader in this style of leadership seeks ideas and suggestions from the employees. That does not mean to say that the decision is not taken by the leader, however, in this style communication becomes two way. Employees who still require coaching might be willing, but they still require coaching and direction because they are inexperienced and lack the ability and skill to take efficient decisions. While coaching, the leader spends a majority of his/her time listening, advising and helping the employee which then helps the latter gain necessary skills to deal with the issue at hand by themselves, if it happens again. Coaching occurs to make the employees more independent in late stages of their work. 3. Supporting in a situational leadership model: The supporting style of situational leadership occurs when the employees have low willingness but have the ability to finish the task at hand. Supportive leadership works when the employees have the ability to finish the task but lack the motivation to do it. In this style of leadership, the manager has to build motivation and confidence in people. The manager needs to give praise whenever necessary to motivate …show more content…

SItuational leadership model is very efficient as it understands the needs and concerns of the employees and makes the leader mould his/her style of working according those needs and concerns, This type of leadership requires transparency, humility, integrity, directing, coaching, delegating and supporting qualities in a leader, to effectively work in the

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