Technology In Post 1945 America

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Technology in Post 1945 America. Technology is always advancing, everyday someone invents some new gadget that is supposed to make our lives easier and better, although they rarely do. Technology has impacted every aspect of American lives, whether it be in the military with the advancements in weapons, the workplace with computers and fax machines, or our personal lives with cell phones and VCR's, but how has it impacted American society and culture? In July 1945, the United States military tested the first hydrogen bomb in the Chihuahuan Desert in New Mexico and “The world would never be the same.” (Brands, pg. 1-6) It changed the American outlook for the end of World War II, by turning the tables in our favor. In August of 1945, the United …show more content…

Americans saw better fighter planes, weapons, and better safety equipment for our soldiers. (Lecture notes, March 16 &21) Americans also got to witness a man walk on the moon thanks to the advances in science and televisions, it was a triumphant moment for the United States. (Wilford, pg. 1-9) The rest of the 60's and 70's kind of blended together in a haze of drugs and sex with the birth of “Hippies” and the women's liberation movement. The invention of oral contraceptives in the late 50's gave women more control over their bodies and they made sure people knew it by wearing skimpier clothing and being more promiscuous. The invention of VCR's and cable television allowed people to watch pornography in the comfort of their own homes instead of going to crowded movie theaters. (Lecture notes, March …show more content…

Blue screen technology made things appear in the movies that were not actually there, making the opening of movies like “Star Wars” a historical event that has continued to entertain generations. (Lecture notes, March 28) The use of Saccharine in food changed the lifestyle of diabetics and dieters. Catalytic converters on automobiles literally helped Americans breathe easier by helping to keep harmful exhaust fumes out of the air. Lead in gasoline clogged the catalytic converters, so they removed the lead and made the unleaded gasoline that Americans fill their cars with today. CAT scans were invented in the 70's making it easier for physicians to see what's going on inside the human body without having to cut people open. This made surgeries and treatments easier and safer. Personal computers came out in the 70's, in fact several versions of computers came out, and made it easier for people to work from home. That was a big thing for women who wanted careers without neglecting their families. These computers also had the first home video games on them which would lead to video consoles in the 80's. The invention of floppy disks allowed people to save data on a new portable medium and transfer it from one computer to another. Pocket calculators came out in 1971, which made it easier and faster to get complex, mathematical equations solved in real time. (Lecture notes, March 28 & 30)

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