The Progressive Era Research Paper

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1900-1920, that was a time period to address the issues created during the Gilded Age. The Progressive Era addressed a lot of issues, some issues were about women 's voting rights,and civil rights, while other issues addressed things like food, drugs, child labor, etc. These issues needed to be addressed and a few people decided to stand up and address them, like Upton Sinclair, Susan B. Anthony, and a few others, these people saw an issue and decided they would confront it, some of them wrote books, went on strike, decided to protest, they all had something in common though, they all decided to fight for what they thought was the right choice. These people who addressed these issues, they changed the face of America, not only by addressing these issues, but by giving new opportunities to other people.

The Jungle, also known as a famous book written by Upton Sinclair, who was a famous muckraker, a muckraker is a journalist who exposes social injustice, Sinclair wrote this book to expose the meat packaging companies, he talked about all the bad things that were happening in the companies. When his book was published many people were shocked by what was in their food, the companies had to make a change, and it had to be a fast one, they took better precautions and made it a lot more …show more content…

Anthony also is a famous person, Anthony and a few other leaders of the women 's suffrage movement led women to gain voting right, suffrage means the right to vote, during this time many women didn 't have that opportunity to do so, Anthony, who 's also a women didn 't find it fair that men got to vote and women did 't. Anthony saw this as an issue, she decided that she would fight for her rights as a women and wanted to get her voting rights. She ends up being successful in 1920, the 19th amendment is passed, this led to women getting to vote, which helped change America, without Anthony most, if not all women wouldn 't be able to vote, she gave every women out there an

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