The Worst Betrayals In History: The Roundup

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To Not Protect and Serve
The “Roundup” occurred on July 16, 1942 was one of the worst betrayals in history to those who were transported to and stadium or concentration camp. This doing by Nazi forces and French policeman marked the beginning of the mass killings of Jews and other races. At the time of the Vel D’ Hiv there was a mass arrest with a count of 13,000 Jews. (Laffitte) On July 16, 1942 some 4,000 French policeman began mass arrest of Jews. In a week some 13,000 Jews were arrested, t hat is a quarter of the Jewish population in France. This “attack” on the Jews was proposed at the Wansee conference in January of 1942.This was a concrete based for the final solution, which means that they wanted less foreigners in their country. On July 17 which is the night before the arrest broke out, at the UGIF meeting …show more content…

Nazi soldiers banged on the two sisters’ door, pointed guns at their head and made them walk for miles before they even reached a truck depot just to be loaded up like cattle along with thousands of other Jewish people and their families to be taken to a Paris sports stadium. Cecile recalled them being without food and water for several days and the horrific smell that lingered through the stadium. You may ask how Cecile escaped and lives to tell the story. Two days after Cecile and her family arrived at the stadium they were allowed to leave and go to a French hospital with their mother who was ill with tuberculosis, t hat was also the last time Cecile, her sister and mother saw her father and older sister. While waiting at the hospital, Cecile and her sister talked a French guard into letting them leave the hospital. After they left the hospital their grandparents arranged for them to live with a French woman and a couple of other kids. Cecile’s older sister and parents were sent to Auschwitz and that was the last thing Cecile heard about her parents.

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