To Kill A Mockingbird Innocence Quotes

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To Kill a Mocking Bird is told from the perspective of a little girl named Scout. She lives with her father Atticus, her brother Jem and their maid Calpurnia. In her novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Harper Lee foreshadows a loss of innocence through the symbolic significance of a snowman, fire and camellia flowers. To begin, the symbolism of the snowman foreshadows the trial and how they converse when constructing it. “Jem, I ain’t never heard of a nigger snowman”, I said. “He won’t be for long”, he grunted. (89) Scout and Jem are making a snowman and are going to cover the dirt with snow. This quote was showing how blind they were to racism in society. It proves my thesis because the snowman represents the white supremacy in Maycomb County that Jem and Scout do not understand yet until the trial. The white snowman covering the dirt show the racist jury full of white men foreshadowed. As the story continues the arrival of the trial will show just how racist the town of Maycomb is. “Now don’t you be so confident, Mr. Jem I ain’t ever seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man.” (279) this quote was showing that it will be very unlikely for the white jury full of men to rule in favor of Tom Robinson even if they know he isn’t guilty. This proves my thesis because at this point Jem is very confident that Tom will not be …show more content…

“He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bushes in Mrs. Dubose yard.” (137) Jem was stopping and ripping up the camellia flowers in Mrs. Dubose’s yard because she was talking badly about Atticus. This quote proves my thesis because this was when Jem destroyed his innocence and finally begins to understand racism in Maycomb County. At this point in the story we are back at the end of the trial and Jem has realized that every man

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