To Kill A Mockingbird Social Inequality Quotes

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In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, there are many predicaments presented in that time period that are continually being illustrated in our modern world. Throughout the book, the characters battle a constant struggle against social inequality and racism. Although this took place in the 1800’s, these struggles are seen in the everyday lives of every american citizen. Maycomb and our society come hand in hand and are more similar than we think. The plot of To Kill a Mockingbird establishes a profound realization that our world now, has yet to change. As much as we attempt to escape the problem of social inequality, the dilemma still remains. People are continually being treated wrongly based off of their skin color, social rank and even their professions. In the book, Maycomb somewhat symbolized the discrimination that was meant to be combated by the …show more content…

Hasn’t got any business talkin’ like that-just makes me sick.” (Lee 226) In this quote, Dill depicts a strong distaste in the way that Tom is being spoken to- for the reason that he …show more content…

Atticus also explains that “Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella opened her mouth and screamed.”(Lee 276) Tom is a ‘dead man’ because he had been accused of raping a white women, with as much evidence there was against the Ewells, Tom Robinson’s trial was still a battle they could not win. The cruelty mentioned is revealed through the racism and prejudice of not only the trial but the people themselves. This inhumanity isn’t just seen inside the pages, it is again witnessed throughout the world and devises a sense of good and evil to symbolize that there is constantly a conflict between the two forces which can present a difficult decision: Blend in or stand

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