Tomato Plant Girl Play Analysis

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The production of Tomato Plant Girl implements various lessons that are important for all kids to learn from. Young audiences can experience how hurtful bullying can be, and that even though we are not all the same fun can still be had by all. The play takes place in an abandoned garden lot and has the addition of magical elements to engage the audience. When Little Girl played by Miranda Kimble, moves to a new town, she befriends Bossy Best Friend played by Jordan Debbrecht. Over the course of the play Little Girl meets the Allison Pieschl as Tomato Plant Girl, when Bossy Best Friend goes away to grandma 's house. The two become fast friends despite their differences. The two meet at five every afternoon in an abandoned garden lot and play games. Just as the name implies, Bossy Best Friend orders Little Girl around in her games of Mother May I and Barbies. Little Girl is chastised by Bossy Best Friend because she enjoys reading and taking care of tomato plants. When a disagreement over a certain tomato plant ensues Bossy Best Friend instructs Little Girl to not touch the plant. Little Girl disobeys this command and the Tomato Plant Girl comes into …show more content…

Bossy Best Friend wants Little Girl to play games a certain way, ask her specific questions and behave in a manner she deems appropriate. The two quarrel over reading, ultra-violet rays and watering tomato plants. When Bossy Best Friend leaves, Little Girl meets Tomato Plant Girl and at first tries to change who she is. Soon Little Girl realizes that there is no point in that pursuit and instead chooses to accept not only who Tomato Plant Girl is but also herself. The two become friends and anger Bossy Best Friend when she returns hoping to continue with how she treats Little Girl. Little Girl stands up to Bossy Best Friend and says goodbye to Tomato Plant Girl as she returns to the

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