Why Did Great Britain Integrate Into The Boston Tea Party?

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Till this day, the Boston Tea Party is considered to be one of the most powerful movements that helped lead up to a revolutionary war against Great Britain. Some people may view it as a time when colonist dumped tea into the Boston harbor. For others, it was a time that made America stronger than ever. So why was dumping tea into the Boston harbor such a big deal for America? During the early 1700’s, Great Britain’s government wanted to reassure that all of the colonies the possessed in American remained under government control and followed any laws and rules applied to the land. One of the ways Great Britain maintained economical order of their colonies was thru a series of British taxes that the citizens of their colonies were forced to pay off. These colonists weren’t trilled to pay off the debts of the British government. The British faced a disagreement with the payment of the taxes from the colonies. Making them concerned of losing their land in America. As a result, the British came with the idea of the movement of tea from Britain to Boston. Making the colonies pay extra taxes for something that was used very often. …show more content…

That’s when smuggled tea became a big factor to the decrease of tax paying for the British. In order to keep the British government stable, The Tea Act came into place on May 10, 1773 in which granted the British East India Company tea a monopoly when selling their teas to America. It infuriated the colonist after realizing what the British had been doing with their tea. According to “Give Me Liberty” by Eric Foner, as a result: “On 1773, a group of colonist disguised as Indians boarded three ships at anchor in Boston Harbor and threw more than 300 chests of tea into the water.” (Pg.

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