Why Does Lady Macbeth Fail

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Macbeth thinks they could fail “if we should fail” Macbeth is scared if they will fail on killing Duncan, but Lady Macbeth is persistent on Macbeth killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth will blame the death on Duncan’s guards so she is sure they can get away with the murder. The writer is showing Lady Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth speaks these lines in Act I after reading a message from Macbeth. Earlier in Act 1 Macbeth and his friend and fellow military leader, Banquo, come across three witches out on the heath after a battle. The witches give both men prophecies; Macbeth is told he will become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. Minutes later, some men sent by the current King, Duncan, inform Macbeth he has been named Thane of Cawdor after the former thane

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