Why Is Paris Attracted To Violence In Romeo And Juliet

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Fire and destruction, as the books are burning. Montag witnesses the destruction of his beloved property at the hands of Captain Beatty. Violence calling upon his name while revenge whispering in his ear, Montag with a “shrieking blaze” burns Captain Beatty alive (Bradybury). People are attracted to violence. People are attracted to violence because they want to show that they are more dominant than others. In Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, Paris tries showing his dominance on Romeo by attempting to murder him. Paris is at the Capulet Tomb to show respect to his love Juliet. While he was there he saw Romeo sneaking around. Paris believes that Romeo, is at the tomb to desecrate it. Paris wants Romeo to “obey and go… for thou must die” because he doesn't want his loved one's tomb to be destroyed (5.3.57). Paris tries to show his dominance over Romeo through violence but ends up dead by the hands of Romeo. Paris is influenced by violence because he was consumed by the desire for dominance over his “wife’s murderer”. Dominance is known as a positive emotion which acts as the generator for violence. “What is the psychology behind violence and aggression” from Virginia Commonwealth University by Brian McNeill has come up with a conclusion on why …show more content…

Those people are wrong because humans are called upon by violence or are forced to use it. Their emotions can attract them to violence as well. In Baltimore, there are alot of young men who have been victims of gun violence. In CBS’s news cast, a man got shot in the back while walking home. As a result, that man has the fear that he may get shot again, and so if he feels like he's about to get shot he is going to use violence upon that person. He wasn’t born with the desire to cause violence. He was attracted to violence when he was

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