Why Was The American Revolution Considered A Technical Revolution

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The American revolution of 1775 was not as radical of a revolution like the “French revolution” but it still changed the political, social, and ideological aspects substantially of the thirteen colonies. To decide just how much of a revolution the American Revolution was, one has to first know what the word “revolution” means. As defined by Princeton University, a revolution is “The overthrow of a government by those who are governed”. In accordance with this definition, the established government must be overthrown by the people the government, governs over. The British government was overthrown by those it governed, the colonists. Since this criteria was met, the American Revolution can be considered a technical revolution. But on the other …show more content…

Prior to this date, there were a series of events that occurred leading up to the 1775 revolution. In 1754-1763 Britain and France were involved in a war of which left Britain in debt. The British then demanded revenue from their colonies, but after the British defeat the British colonies became more independent meaning that they were less dependent for the protection of the British. In 1763 the British passed a law of proclamation. This law meant that no one was allowed to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains,”… they are a natural barrier between the eastern coastal plain and the vast interior lowlands of North America. As a result they have played a vital role in the settlement and development of the entire continent…” (Wilma Dykeman: 10-29-2014). This is was the case because, after the Indian and French war, the British were granted a fairly large piece of land, north of America. The land granted to the British was the Ohio valley of which was between the Appalachian Mountains. The British did not want the American colonists settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains because they did not want them to create any tension with the French and the Native Americans that were already there. The British could not afford to get into another war so their best option was to pass a law that will prevent a war from occurring. The proclamation that was passed made the colonies feel as though …show more content…

The reason why it was said to be a war of independence is because, according to Robert Hole “… the Americans declared independence on the 4th July 1776…” There were three main causes of the declaration of

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