Will Smith: Famous Life And Contribution To Society

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Will Smith Table Of Contents Intro Page 3 Early Life Page 3 Famous Life Page 4 Contributing to society Page 5 Conclusion Page 6 Timeline Page 7 Sources Page 7 Introduction From a small gig rap star, to the “Fresh Prince,” to “The Most Powerful Actor In Hollywood,” the one and only Will Smith!!!- In this informational piece, you will be walking in the shoes of the one and only Will Smith!!! I will be showing you The famous actor Will Smith’s Life, from early life, famous life, and contributing to society. Clearly, I will be showing you When he was born, and when he was famous, and contribution to society. Early Life Topic Sentence: Will Smith was born September 25,1968,He went to school at the New Village Leadership …show more content…

¨In 1889, Will Smith was in custody and sentenced to a day in the Philadelphia Police Department for almost blinding a fan. He said It was the worst night of his life because inmates were waking him up asking him for his autograph.´´ Information from (www.biography.com) His rap career later in his famous life won five Golden Globe awards, two Academy Awards, and four Grammy Awards!!! Also, he was married to Sheree Zampino and had his first son Trey Smith. They divorced in (1995-1996). Then in 1997 he married a lady by the name of Jada Pinkett Smith. They had two children by the name of Jaden Smith, and Willow Smith.”Will Smith denied the part of Neo in The Matrix” (information from www.wikipedia.com) In 2007 Will Smith sold Illegal drugs to one of his undercover agents. Also in 2007 Will Smith accomplished one of his movie awards “I Am Legend” It was one of the most famous movies in the December of 2007. It was famous for the most real special effects that few movies had ever had! That was how he got the name “The Most Powerful Actor In Hollywood.” As you can see, Will Smith went through so many accomplishments in his life and is still famous to this …show more content…

And a rumor saying Smith had been using steroids Will Smith is still a famous actor and nobody knows when he will retire or die as an actor. He is in an upcoming movie named “Suicide Squad” And the movie will be in theatres in early August of 2016. A rumor is spreading quickly from one of his ex supervisor’s, “Adding that the cause of the pair’s rift may have been caused by Smith’s dependency on steroids, taken in order to reach the required weight to portray the outspoken and iconic heavyweight champion.” (research text from the website www.HYPEBEAST.com). As you can see, Will Smith is still a famous actor and is in an upcoming movie “Suicide

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