Arnold Schoenberg Essays

  • Tonal Expansion Of Music Essay

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    chromatic elements, extending the range of classical tonal functions, and decreasing structural dependence on tonal region that would support the central tonality. It is unsystematic, varies from composer to composer, and disrupts tonality. Arnold Schoenberg was the principal exponent of this trend. Schoenberg’s last two quartet, No.3 and No.4 are good examples showing the developments. In Tonal Modification, Tonal region established by consistent use of particular mode or extended pedal points

  • Steve Reich Research Paper

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    repetitive keyboard figurations have been used in commercials for companies such as I.B.M. (Strickland, 1993, pg.1) Reich much prefers the term musique répétitive instead of minimalism as Reich was quoted saying, “Debussy resented ‘Impressionism’. Schoenberg preferred ‘pantonal’ to ‘atonal’ or ‘twelve-tone’ or ‘Expressionist’.” (Strickland, 1993, pg.23) Reich is well known for his tape-looping works, his phase-shifting techniques, rhythmic augmentation and construction and use of spoken speech. His

  • Trumpet Player Poem Analysis

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    1. Scansion and Analysis The Harlem Renaissance was a period of revolutionary styles of music, dance, and literature that presented the hardships and culture of African Americans. The “Trumpet Player,” by Langston Hughes portrays the theme of the therapeutic effects of music through the development of an African American trumpeter’s music. The free verse poem “Trumpet Player” epitomizes the Harlem Renaissance and Jazz through the unique use of inconsistent rhymed and unrhymed lines mixed with the

  • Jazzonia Poem Analysis

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    The final poem of significance is Jazzonia, in which Hughes experiments with literary form to transform the act of listening to jazz into an ahistorical and biblical act. Neglecting form, it is easy to interpret the poem shallowly as a simple depiction of a night-out in a cabaret with jazz whipping people into a jovial frenzy of singing and dancing. But, the poem possesses more depth, when you immerse yourself in the literary form. The first aspect of form to interrogate is the couplet Hughes thrice

  • The Palate Of Color In Shakespear's Music

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    This is the time where Shakespear was one of the most exciting topic to be discuss in the art filed, and other great composers such as Rossini, Wagner, Schubert, and Berlioz all compose music base on Shakespear's work. Therefore, in order to create his own language through his composition, Mendelssohn use his unique style of the palate of color in his music. Especially given the fact that this is one of his earlier work alone with the string octet. He combined musical elements both from the romantic

  • This Side Of Paradise Analysis

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    The debut novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald ‘This Side of Paradise’ was published post First World War in 1920. At a tender age, Fitzgerald’s commenced writing his semi-autobiographical novel which soon gained popularity. One can draw parallels between the lives of the protagonist, Amory Blaine and Fitzgerald as well as some other characters that influence the life of Blaine. The turning point of Blaine’s life, as written by Fitzgerald, was his love affair with debutante Rosalind Connage. Rosalind

  • The Great Gatsby Obsessive Analysis

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    ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald presents Gatsby as a charming, well-mannered and mysterious. The narrator reveals his most unrealistic of his dreams, to recapture the past by luring Daisy. Some of Gatsby’s traits do not depict him as “admirable” and “pure” but instead as ‘obsessive’ and ‘dangerous’. In order to acknowledge Gatsby’s ‘obsessive’ and ‘dangerous’ side. It is important to understand how Gatsby’s dreams interact with reality and variety of symbolism used in the text. Firstly

  • Daisy Miller Character Analysis

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    Daisy Miller is a flamboyant, tease from Schenectady, NY. She is traveling all around Europe with her mother and brother, Randolph. Daisy comes from a wealthy family. She is vibrant, individualistic, and well meaning but Daisy is also superficial, ignorant, and conceited. She is also very manipulative when it comes to men. Men would do anything for Daisy at the drop of a hat. Daisy Miller is just a misunderstood girl that was not used to European standards for a woman. She just wanted to be noticed

  • The Great Gatsby American Dream Analysis

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    The Failure of the American Dream in the Context of The Great Gatsby Sun Seo Jeon 전순서 20140880 The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, which is a belief that anyone, regardless of their social class and the situation they are born into, is given opportunities to achieve their own version of success. It is emphasized that American dream is achieved through sacrifice and hard work, not just by chance. This meant to motivate Americans to attain prosperity and happiness

  • The Great Gatsby And Daisy Relationship

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    1. Daisy and Gatsby Daisy’s love for Gatsby has a periodical change. When Gatsby met Daisy, she was a proud princess, “The largest of the banners and the largest of the lawns belonged to Daisy Fay’s house. She was just eighteen,and by far the most popular of all the young girls in Louisville”(F.Scott Fitzgerald”The Great Gatsby”). At this stage Daisy longing for pure love and fall in love with Gatsby. And Daisy had said “There’s the kind of man you’d like to take home and introduce to your mother

  • Tom Ripley In Mark Twain's The Merchant Of Venice

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    Tom ripley is a lowly life young, but he has a unique talent, can imitate others ' handwriting and sound, and good at camouflage. A chance he is a merchant, shipbuilding to Italy to persuade the son of the wealthy, returned to the United States. Ripley in the ship met a rich girl , simple a few words will let her convinced that she is the child of shipping magnate,. Canal. In Italy, ripley clever, embodying, life, ripley envy, all deeply, for, a love, it is difficult to tell when, resolutely denied

  • Character Change In The Great Gatsby

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    “The Great Gatsby” is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald set in the 1920’s and is a recollection of a man named Nick Carraway 's memories of the summer he met Jay Gatsby the person he could not judge. Jay Gatsby changed the most throughout the novel because He started the novel as a rich and extravagant man with a mysterious background, but it was revealed that he didn 't start his life this way, James Gatz was a seventeen-year-old fisherman on Lake Superior who had big dreams that he thought he never

  • Zelda And The Great Gatsby

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    Francis Scott Fitgerald has a very curious life as a short story writer and a novelist. He is well known, and has the most success, for his novel, The Great Gatsby. Erika Willett writes, "The Fitzgeralds enjoyed fame and fortune, and his novels reflected their lifestyle, describing in semi-autobiographical fiction the privileged lives of wealthy, aspiring socialites. Fitzgerald wrote his second novel - "The Beautiful and the Damned" a year after they were married. Three years later, after the birth

  • The Great Gatsby Psychoanalytic Analysis

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    Evelina Kochubey Professor Roberts English 1B 14 March 2018 Dysfunctional Love: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and Psychoanalytic Criticism One of American’s “finest works of fiction by any of this country’s writers” is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel: The Great Gatsby (J. Yardley). It is written from the perspective of the character, Nick Caraway who talks about the love relationships between the characters in the story. In the book Critical Theory Today, Lois Tyson describes, “The Great Gatsby

  • Relationships In Gatsby

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    Throughout The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the main focus of the plot appears to be on the erratic relationships that Nick, the narrator, observes over his time spent in West Egg. The main relationship however is the romance between Nick’s wealthy neighbor Jay Gatsby, and Nick’s cousin Daisy Buchanan, who is married to a rich man named Tom Buchanan. Over the course of the book, Gatsby’s “love” for Daisy leads both of them to pursue an affair that ends in the death of Gatsby, by a man who

  • Great Gatsby Green Light Analysis

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    In the novel The Great Gatsby, the Green Light is mentioned multiple times all over the Novel. It is first mentioned in chapter one as Nick, the Narrator, portrays Gatsby standing at the end of his dock gazing and stretching his arms towards what seems to be a Green Light. It’s stated in the text that all Gatsby could see was “Nothing except a single Green Light, minute and far away.” At this point a reader can link Gatsby to the light and is also introduced to a piece of a puzzle of the Novel. This

  • Who Is Fitzgerald's Madness In The Great Gatsby

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    Fitzgerald continues to critique and emphasize the corrupt madness induced by the desire for wealth, and its effect on the surrounding environments. Fitzgerald creates environments that clearly mirror the corruption and craziness of wealth. Environments like The Valley of Ashes represent the corruption of wealth and lack thereof; the “valley of ashes— a fantastic farm where...ashes take the forms...of men who move dimly and already crumbling through powdery air” (27). The Valley of Ashes has become

  • Tom Buchanan Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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    Tom Buchanan, the Great American Scoundrel In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tom Buchanan is the classic representation of an American scoundrel in the 1920 's. Tom 's role is of the wealthy, powerful, controlling, and cheating husband to Daisy Buchanan. Tom is of the upper class, and he is proud of his old money, of where he lives, and his white race. Fitzgerald describes Tom as a manipulator this being the worst of his qualities. Tom is a scoundrel, and no sliver

  • What Does Winter Dreams Mean In The Great Gatsby

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    Dreams, what do they mean to you? “Winter Dreams” is a short story that was written in 1922 by an up and coming author at that time by the name of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is generally known for is great novel The great Gatsby. Many of Fitzgerald’s literary work includes the same theme such as poor boy becomes rich to get the girl or the American Dream of wealth and status. F. Scott Fitzgerald like to write about the corruption of society and that with great amounts of wealth come great

  • The Great Gatsby Figurative Language Analysis

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    The Great Gatsby Essay F. Scott Fitzgerald was a famous author who wrote the book, The Great Gatsby. His purpose in writing this book was to show the differences between old and new money. Old money meaning people being born into wealthy lifestyles and new money meaning people who were not born with money but gained a lot of wealth. These were separated by two areas called west egg and east egg. This book gives sort of an exclusive look into the luxury and glamour that people think is the life