Neo-Victorian Essays

  • Gender Biases In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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    Biases have been formed towards the relationships between men and women for the bulk of time. Privileges of the men differ a great deal from the privileges of women, when it comes to roles both genders play in their everyday lives. Expectations, celibacy, and dominance are key factors that play into relationships between men and women. All of which tend to be typical male intentions, and if a female reaches out to a male she is thought of as a desperate, slut. Relationships are important for one

  • Coming Of Age In Jane Austen's Persuasion

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    The Power of Persuasion  As individuals in life, many must face contradiction with their values in accordance to those surrounding them, such is the case with Anne Elliot. Jane Austen’s Persuasion is a story portraying the conflict between giving in and standing up against persuasion. Ultimately, a person must persist against all other opinions and act upon their own will as Anne Elliot does. Austen portrays a character arc of coming of age through Anne, an acceptance and advance towards the things

  • Orientalism In Dracula

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    change, its death, and all that makes it what it is. (1993: 22) Thus, as we come to realize the context is crucial, and from the beginning of Dracula it is quite obvious that the story’s localization strengthens contemporary fears related to the Victorian society as well as with the nature of Englishness. The contrast between the West’s richness and splendor is constantly correlated with the East’s perpetual worthlessness. As Gill Davies pointed out, “the detailed geography of London is deployed to

  • Salty Water In William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

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    Twelfth Night is a story of loss, tragedy, and love that is masquerading as a romantic comedy of sorts a perfect example of Shakespeare’s true talents of expressing deep metaphor in very interesting ways. This is a play about the ocean deep, salty, unpredictable, rough and difficult to navigate but after enough time and understanding, you can see the beauty in the deep blue water. The salty water seems very basic and easy to understand but upon closer inspection, you can see the true depth and complexity

  • Gothic Elements In Dr. Jakyll And Mr. Hyde

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    GOTHIC ELEMENTS IN THE BOOK The strange case of Dr.Jakyll and Mr.Hyde is a famous novel by a well-known Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson which was first published in 1886. It is likewise known as jakyll and hyde, the tale of a health practitioner who attempts a test with the intention of finding out his evil nature. But he becomes fascinated by the evil facet of his nature. He will reach a factor in which he'll not be capable of controlling Mr Hyde, the person he has created. The latter will

  • Symbolism In Hedda Gabler

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    The pistols also represent Hedda’s aristocratic and militant upbringing which influenced her to be a masculine and cold character, especially to those beneath her social standing. Hedda is also compared to the gun. She herself is a weapon, cold and calm until someone pulls her trigger. ‘Her steel-grey eyes express a cold, unruffled repose’ (Archer, 1928, 18). Furthermore, the pistols represent power and control, the obsessive quality in which her father possessed and she inherited. This is ironic

  • Essay On Symbolism In The Color Purple

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    3.2 Female Character and Symbolism The Color Purple presents a story of Celie – an African American woman who fights for acceptance and feminine space in her marriage and as well as within her community. She is oppressed by racism and sexism at the same time which means that in the novel there are many scenes in which the dimension of intersectionality is easily noticeable. Confined by the patriarchal stiff rules, Celie gradually begins to make her voice heard. Obviously, it does not happen in the

  • Freedom Comes In The Afterlife In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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    than that would go against societal norms and be thought of as being “unbalanced mentally” (Chopin, 62). Our protagonist, Edna Pontellier, was an odd individual when it came to fitting in, which leads us to realize that she was not your typical Victorian woman, but rather a self-fulfilling woman, trying to break free from the patriarchal oppression in the society, to become free spirited, which eventually led to her demise. Kate Chopin published The Awakening in 1899, and caused an out roar in the

  • Diction And Analysis Of Bluebeard In Richard Wright's Black Boy

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    This text is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Richard Wright’s novel Black Boy. Richard is a young naive boy who lives in a religious household with many restrictions . He is a troubled kid due to his huge curiosity and determination achieve his desires. In this excerpt Richard urges Ella, a schoolteacher who works for Granny, to read him a ‘forbidden’ book. Ella refuses, knowing Granny would be angered by reason of her strict and religious beliefs. After Richard constantly nagging her, she starts reading

  • Theme Of Oppression In The Great Gatsby

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    “Social oppression is a concept that describes a relationship of dominance and subordination between categories of people in which one benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice directed toward the other.” This quote, stated by Ashley Crossman on Thoughtco, perfectly describes what oppression is especially from a feminist point of view. As Britannica stated, Feminism is “the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes.” In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott

  • Symbolism In Ibsen's Hedda Gabler

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    Ibsen is believed to be the “master” of symbolism. (Styan, 1981). In Hedda Gabler, Ibsen uses symbolism to portray the internal chaos and disorder of his protagonist. Ibsen often deals with the conflict with the internal self. (Watson, 1983) Ibsen gives a new, symbolic and deeper meaning to ordinary objects such as a room, fire, the manuscript, Thea’s hair and the pistol. Each of these objects signifies a different element of Hedda’s character. Styan discusses how these symbols are integrated with

  • Feminist Relationship In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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    Kate Chopin is a feminist author who lived from 1850 to 1904, but she did not start her career until the death of her husband. Kate Chopin pieces of work focused on the females going against societal norms and taking charge of their own life. The Story of an Hour explores the thought process of a newly widowed wife as she begins to understand the full consequences of her husband's death, which means a new found freedom, but she has it taken away in the end. The Story of an Hour is a feminist response

  • The Golden Age Of Detective Fiction Analysis

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    DETECTIVE FICTION “ The term ‘Golden Age’ stands for a particular blessed era of crime writing” – Susan Rowland. Golden Age of Detective fiction is regarded as the period between World Wars I and II, an era of classic murder mystery novels of similar patterns and styles, predominantly in the 1920s and 1930s; however, classic novels had been written since 1911 and still, are being written. Most of the Golden Age writers are British, however, in America the genre of ‘Hard-Boiled’ fiction is dominant

  • Love In Oscar Wilde's The Importance Of Being Earnest

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    What was Oscar Wilde most known for? Although he was raised in the upper-class of Victorian England, he often ridiculed the upper-class for their straitlaced customs through his plays using his brilliant wit and flamboyant style. The upper-class wasn’t the only thing criticised by Wilde, but also topics such as love and marriage. One of the most prominent points Wilde mocked the ideals of love was on the stage of his most famous play, The Importance of Being Earnest. In the three acts of this book

  • Child Labor In The Victorian Era

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    children are handled. This is in child labor. Child labor is the over time that treats children in illegal ways, such as being put in hazardous conditions that are inhumane. The labor puts their life and health in danger. While the affinity between the Victorian Era and present day child labor, both have the severe actions that children are put still go on today. Our society now has harsher conditions and needs of

  • The Women Question By Stephen Greenblatt

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    The Victorian era was a time where men and women had their separate spheres and people had their own ideologies of each gender. One of the ideologies was domestic ideology which is where women should stay in the house, obey their husbands while the men leave to go out into the workforce to provide for their families. However, later in this era is when women begin to appear into the workforce and the beginning of unfair treatment of women in the workforce started happening. Women were viewed in different

  • Feminism In The Awakening

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    main character, Edna Pontellier, in her novel, The Awakening. Throughout the plot, Edna experiences a progressive “awakening” in which she develops an enlightened knowledge regarding her own desires and interests, even though the conventions of the Victorian society of that era clearly oppose her behavior. From Grand Isle to New Orleans, Edna meets and befriends several people that all contribute to her journey of awakening, but, in the very end, it seems as though she has never been more isolated. In

  • Theories Of Sociology

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    1 (a) Sociology is defined as the systematic study of the interaction between groups of humans or the scientific study of a community of people living together and their behaviour as a group (Perry and Perry, 2008). Sociology aims to interpret and understand the interaction of the individual with others or a person's behaviour as he or she interacts with the social environment. In this sense the individual and society are inseparable. The key concerns in Sociology include social groups (i.e. family

  • Creole Women In The Awakening

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    In nineteenth century Louisiana, Creole’s lived by strict rules to explain how Creole household’s run: “The man ruled his household and his wife was considered part of his property. He was permitted to take a[nother] mistress if he liked, though his wife was expected to remain faithful” (Kosewick 3). The wives of the household are also “expected to be of good character” and “loyal, passive, innocent lovers”, despite the fact that their husband can take another woman of his liking out and the wife

  • Caricature On High Society In Oscar Wilde's The Importance Being Earnest

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    In the play “The Importance Being Earnest” Oscar Wilde wants to show that the caricature on high society. The play was in the 1800’s. A caricature is a charter or a physical fentress that exaggerates by making it bigger or smaller to make a person notice and laugh to show their weakness. Oscar Wilde makes us think if it’s really important to be earnest ? The story is about two boys that want to be named Earnest, so because of that they have a double life and they will need to handle the problems