Optimism Essays

  • Optimism In The Martian

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    see that perseverance, optimism, and empathy are human traits which will make our society prosper. These traits illustrate hope in mankind in the society of the story. Perseverance is a key human trait that will make society prosper. To continue to pursue a course of action, with a purpose or goal in mind, despite the onslaught of endless challenges, obstacles, or discouragements,

  • Optimism In Unbroken

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    the novel, Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand uses two of Louie’s traits which are Resiliency and Optimism. Along Louie’s journey he had been in a crash along with his crewmen most of them died. They were stranded for a long time, 47 days max. There had been no people, food,water nothing. But Louie never lost his dignity. From his journey on the raft and camp, he was very optimistic and hopeful of surviving. Optimism was very helpful in a situation like Louie’s, because he needed hope to stay alive. On page

  • Essay On Optimism

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    Optimism is defined as the tendency or disposition to look on the more favourable sites of events or conditions and to expect the most favourable outcome. Optimists expect good things to happen to them (Carver, Scheier & Segerstrom, 2010). Thus, optimism focuses on expectancies for the future. Optimism is a trait by which it is relatively stable over time. The trait of optimism is heritable but environmental factors in childhood play a role as well (Carver, et. al., 2010). In particular, the presence

  • Brothers Optimism Quotes

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    “Optimism isn't a belief that things will automatically get better, it is a conviction that we can make things better” - Melinda Gates. Optimism is not assuming today would be good, it is believing tomorrow is going to be better. Which is why the book “Brothers” is an overall optimistic novel. This is because Michael and Aisha had survived their grief and were able to live on as normal human beings. That in itself is very optimistic. Secondly, The last two paragraphs of Brothers heavily indicate

  • Essay On Optimism And Resilience

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    This empirical study involves the constructs of optimism and resilience and aims to measure the effect of optimism in life on an individual’s resilience levels. Optimism being the independent variable is operationalized as the positive or negative view that one has towards life events while resilience being the dependent variable, is operationalized as the extent one would persist in the face of failure. Optimism (independent variable) would be subjected to manipulation of 2 levels, optimistic and

  • Definition Essay: The Importance Of Optimism

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    statista.com, only fifty percent of Americans would see the glass half filled. Then, other questions pop into your head. You ask: What is optimism? How can you be more optimistic? What can you do to get someone else to be more optimistic? What is optimism? How do you define optimism? According to dictionary.com, optimism is that goodness pervades reality. Optimism to me means that no matter how horrible the day may be, you’re always able to stay positive. You’re also able to be self-confident and

  • Optimism In The Cellist Of Sarajevo

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    A simple instance that optimism is present can remind humans that they are still capable to hope. In the book, The Cellist of Sarajevo, by Steven Galloway, one of our protagonists Kenan is faced with the bitter reality of war. Kenan does not want to acknowledge the presence of the destruction, but things soon change. Kenan is presented with optimism, allowing him to start to hope again. A mere bathroom light, beautiful performance, and an encouraging thought is all Kenan needed for his ambition and

  • The Justification Of Optimism In Voltaire's Candide

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    Voltaire’s character Pangloss differed from Candide by one main reason that stood out which the argument over optimism. Pangloss thought that the optimism is illusory and there was no hope in looking forward to what the future holds. He viewed optimism as a doctrine, meaning that it had to be abided by at all times (Ashley 1) Voltaire wanted to destroy Pangloss’s philosophy by having to repeat the truth. Sayings, such as, “"no

  • Who Is Louie Zamperini's Optimism In 'Unbroken'?

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    prison camp. He then went to a Prisoner of War (POW) camp. In both places, he was abused. A man who the POWs called The Bird abused him the most. Then he was rescued by America. Louie Zamperini is a very optimistic and resilient person. He shows his optimism by always looking on the bright side, being hopeful

  • Candide And Pope's Optimism Essay

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    Optimism in Voltaire’s Candide and Pope’s Essay on Man While both Voltaire and Alexander Pope hold optimistic views on the world, they reach very different types of optimism through very different approaches. Pope’s optimism is grounded in determinism, a system of faith that puts the reigns in the hands of a higher power and states that all things happen in furtherance of some ultimate goal. Voltaire’s optimism, on the other hand, is grounded in his belief in free will and the weight of one’s

  • A Separate Peace Optimism Essay

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    A Changed Life: Pessimism to Optimism Just like no one can escape death no one can escape the aftermath of a traumatic event. Even though trauma isn’t escapable it is overcomeable. The traumatic events that occur throughout A Separate Peace would lead most to say that it is a pessimistic book, but there are much deeper findings that is optimistic in the book. The optimistic view of the book is looked upon and isn’t the most obvious choice of the two but has many provable points. These pieces of

  • Optimism In Alex Zanardi's Dear Miss Breed

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    Formula One crash in 2001. Instead of falling deep into depression, Alex pushed through his setback and won a gold medal in handcycling. Many people have asked Alex how he managed to get past all that and be where is is today. His answer was simple: Optimism. Alex went through a lengthy hardship, as did the Japanese- Americans during World War II. A collection of letters sent by the Japanese- Americans was turned into the book Dear Miss Breed. It tells the stories of young children, who

  • Lord Of The Flies: William Golding's Dark Optimism

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    A dark optimism is when good things happen, but they might have worse consequences. It means that there is always an underlying possibility in life going south, or declining, although the fundamental belief is that the good, or what one believes is good will prevail. In the 1955 novel, Lord of The Flies, the author William Golding’s overall message, which is that humanity has an underlying evil, or savagery to them, and without order, or societal rules, this savagery will reveal itself, is conveyed

  • Anne Frank And The Boy In The Striped Pajamas: A Fable

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    Can optimism be a source of protection, an armour against the troubles faced in life? Many people face conflicts on a daily basis, whether it be spilling coffee on the front seat before work, serious health issues, and even being sent off to war. However, the seriousness of the issue is not what sets one aside from others, it 's how the person responds to the adversity. Multiple fictional stories, in addition to real life experiences, demonstrate the effects of how humans respond to conflict, such

  • Voltaire's Candide, The Contes Philosoque

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    Candide, the Contes Philosophique The text “Candide” (1759) is representative work of the author Voltaire in eighteenth century. The main question of the text “Candide” given by Voltaire to readers is that optimism versus pessimism. Voltaire narrates the conflicts between these the two different ideologies through the main character Candide. This refers to the idea os the contes philosophique (Philosophical fiction), the “Candide” is written based on philosophical ideologies in that time. Based on

  • Hope In Steven Marloway's The Cellist Of Sarajevo

    1473 Words  | 6 Pages

    Hope in The Cellist of Sarajevo Undoubtedly, an optimistic perspective can have an impact on the outcome of any given situation. On the contrary, a pessimistic view will create negative feelings and can drastically alter the outcome. In the novel, The Cellist of Sarajevo, the three main characters point of view on hope change throughout the story. Their perspective enables them to think positively or negatively on the war and destruction that is going on around them. Steven Galloway explores how

  • Comparison Of Transcendentalism In Emerson And Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    American currencies, specifically coins, have two sides: a head and a tail. The head and tail are different, yet they are still part of the same coin. Two American authors, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne, represent two sides of the same coin: Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism swept through America as a new worldview in the 1900’s. Transcendentalism is a philosophy that asserts the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material, that deals with aspects of nature. Men

  • Voltaire's Use Of Satire In Candide

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    was also known as a poet, critic, and intellectual. During this time, many held high optimism, understanding that God is in control and that he plans and make everything work for the good of mankind. Voltaire, being witness to hate, cruelty and natural disaster in this world, could not take part in the beliefs of this time. In spite of this disagreement, Voltaire wrote his famous novel Candide (subtitled Optimism) and displayed his opposition in the form of a satire (Fiero, 2011). Candide is about

  • Essay On Julie's Journey

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    Firstly, Julie’s optimism helps keep a smile on her face. Julie said that despite all of the obstacles, the optimism is what keeps her pushing forward to better herself (Dombo). Therefore, she looks at the glass half full instead of half empty. Secondly, Julie hopes that miracles will be in her favor this year. She stated

  • Analysis Of Gwendolyn Brooks Speech To The Young

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    want to be, unsuccessful, obsolete and vulgar. The poet is writing to be the opposite of these low-lifes and to live your life out to the full potential, Though in the beginning being pessimistic the poem has an overall optimistic tone. Another way optimism is displayed in this poem is towards the end when the poet writes that you shouldn't “Live not for battles won.” (10), or “Live not for the-end-of-the-song.” (11), but to “Live in the along.” (12). Brooks wrote these lines with a very specific point