Pet Essays

  • Pet Censorship

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    misconstrued ideas when it comes to adding a pet to a family. Both positive and negative aspects exist if there are young children in the home, or future plans to have children. But above all, these issues need to be cleared up. Do people want to know what pets can do for them and their children? It’s time to find out the pros and cons to pet ownership with children. Many people feel that households with young children should not have pets although pets have many positive health, social and Educational

  • The Importance Of Pets

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    Pets are wonderful creatures. You will realize that most people normally have them in their homes. Some of the common pets include: dogs, cats and so on. These pets normally provide companionship to their owners. When families acquire pets and bring them into their homes, they are committing to providing them with good love and care. An essential part of this is giving your pet a healthy and nutritious diet. It is also important that you ensure that your pet is well sheltered. Most people normally

  • Pet Monologue

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    Now, I 've had my fair share of pets. Everyone 's been there, from that carnival goldfish you won, to the only pet your parents let you have, Rocky your pet rock. Let 's just say I 've had many small animals over the years and I 'd like to share my stories. Now, before I was born, my grandmother had a cat whom my mother pretty much hated. This cats name was "Stormy." Let 's just say when my mom knew I was going to be born soon, her top priority was to get rid of it. My mom knew that she didn 't

  • Microchip Pet Feeder

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    Intelligent and smart feeders are now the trend when it comes to pet management. This is exactly what you will get with the SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder, a unit that depends on RFID technology to feed your cats. This is also a highly responsive unit with a lid that will remain closed at all times to secure the food inside the unit. At the core of the operations of the feeder is the microchip that is worn by the cat. If the cat approached the unit, the unit will then read the microchip, and the SureFeed

  • Essay On Pet Abandonment

    813 Words  | 4 Pages

    Pet Abandonment What is pet abandonment? It is when people decide that they don’t want their pet anymore, so they just dump it off somewhere to die instead of doing the right thing and taking it to a shelter. Did you know that someone literally put six emaciated puppies in a closed box with a sign that said: “Shoot Me,”? Because that is an example of pet abandonment. Is skipping that ten-minute drive to the shelter really worth putting a pet in that bad of a situation? These animals are starving

  • Essay On Pet Vacuum

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    If you are a pet lover and keep pets in your home, you probably know how difficult it can be to keep your carpet clean and your house smelling good. Unless you have hairless pets, you will always have the problem of pet hair sticking to everything. If your entire house has hard wood floors or tile, you will find the most difficult area to remove pet fur from is the carpet. The good news is that in this day and age there are very good pet hair vacuums available to everyone. You 're probably wondering

  • Safe Home Pets

    2043 Words  | 9 Pages

    Everyone understands that pets are an incredible comrade, they give us unequivocal love. It is even said that a puppy is man's best partner. Here are some sheltered house puppy determination stories that we expect would make you either treat your canine better or in a perfect world motivate you to embrace one. Read about their excited stories and their sheer joy on being grasped by worshiping families. There have been a plenty of stories about the considerable effect a adoption can have on the life

  • Old Cat Pets

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    Care Tips For New And Old Cat Owners Cats have no competition in the animal kingdom and are easily the best pets to keep around the home for several reasons. Cats can be terrifically fun, and they can also take care of vermin in your home. Read on to find out how to care for your kitty. Check out the shelter when adopting a cat. Shelters are filled with beautiful cats, and the fee for adoption will basically cover the needed vet care. Besides, adopting a cat from an animal shelter means you are

  • Essay On Pet Adoption

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    Most pet shops sell super cute puppies and kittens, but no one really knows where those pets come from. Many people know about puppy mills, which are places where puppies and dogs are kept and bred. They typically live in small cages and inhumane conditions, and the same things happen with kittens, too. Adopting from an Adoption Center like or ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) will help animals in need of a home. Adopting a pet is a better choice because

  • Essay On Class Pets

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    First Grade Class Pet Recommendation There are hundreds of class pets you can get! You can have fun with all of them, from a little insect to a rabbit! But, sometimes, it is hard to find which one you want. Some class pets that I prefer and suggest are caterpillars, turtles, and a rabbit! Not only are these pets fun and awesome, they are also easy to take care of! The first pet that I prescribe is a caterpillar. I know it sounds like a very weird class pet to have, but in some ways

  • Essay On Pet Grieving

    1355 Words  | 6 Pages

    Pet Bereavement The relationship between people and animals has changed in the last 50 years. Animals who live with people have traditionally been called ‘pets’. They now tend to be referred to as ‘companion animals’. This change in terminology implies a mutual relationship between humans and animals which has been described as the ‘human-animal bond’. This relationship seems to be deepening. Many owners consider their companion animals to be a family member and there are many other benefits of

  • Pet Overpopulation Essay

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    Pet Overpopulation/ Animal Abandonment Seven and six tenths of a million animals are abandoned every year. This number is so large because of two main reasons. Pet overpopulation is the fact that there are a growing number of pets and a smaller number of owners. Many experts went as far to say that “There are more pets than responsible owners.”. The cause of Pet overpopulation is animal abandonment. Animal abandonment is when the owner drops his pet out in the wild and leaves the animal with little

  • Informative Essay On Pets

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    WHY ADOPT INSTEAD OF BUYING A PET Good morning everyone, I am Shiek Chi from SPCA Society, which is a society to prevent from cruelty to animals. First of all, can I know anyone have pets? How did you get your pets? adopting or buying? Today I am here to share with you the benefits of adopting pets, but not buying from a pet shop or dog breeders. When you adopt a pet, you are saving a life. There is limited space at shelters, staff members sometimes need to make very hard decisions to humanely euthanize

  • Essay On Pet Therapy

    1980 Words  | 8 Pages

    What is the psychological impact of pet-therapy on people? Abstract ------------------------- Animal-assisted therapy is a developing area in the filed of human mental well being. Researches provided by different corresponding Institutions and Centers by present moment have showed that animal-assisted therapy can provide physical, physiological, and psychological health benefits for specific population as well as common people. Present research will discuss AAT history, AAT types, positive effect

  • Essay On Pet Food

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    prepared dried pet food diet even if it is premium quality. From the pet food recall incident, we know that dogs today get sick from cancer, diheabetes, liver and kidney diseases at a young age and most died suffering from the onset of the illness. The pet food recall event has confirmed my thoughts that a pet diet does contribute and play a major role in their health condition today. Today, we cannot ignore the fact that commercially prepared food is a cause of these recent pet health issues. Cooking

  • Disadvantages Of Owning A Pet

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    The decision one makes to own a pet equates to many additional responsibilities. This animal has many needs in order to live a comfortable, long and healthy life. Each type of domestic animal has specific needs and each owner may have specific wants for their pet. For example, when an owner decides to crop their dog’s ears, this is not a necessity for the pet’s survival, but more a want of the owner to give their dog a more “desirable” appearance. On the other hand, cat owners who choose to

  • Pet Financial Assistance Essay

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    1. Introduction Pet financial aid programs in the US aim to offer financial assistance to pet owners who are unable to afford veterinary care for their pets. Veterinary care expenses in the US can be prohibitively exorbitant, hindering some pet owners from providing their animals with proper medical attention. This, in turn, can result in unmitigated illnesses or injuries that have adverse effects on the animals' overall well-being. The American Veterinary Medical Association does not endorse these

  • Informative Essay On Class Pets

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    Have you ever had a class pet? Class pets are pets that a teacher picks out for her/his students to learn about and to have as entertainment. If so, you know how crazy the kids get over it. If you are struggling to pick out a good class pet suitable for your kids, I am here to help. By the end this article, you’ll be running over to the pet store getting your fun,cool, and easy to care for class pet! Picking out a class pet can be fun, but very difficult too. Depending on the age kids you have

  • Pet Service Dog Essay

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    in poor health and need to become more active to stay healthy, and do not forget the elderly who are sometimes isolated and need a little companionship. The intelligent solution would be for everyone to have a pet, not just those mentioned above. There are several benefits of owning a pet; they can provide support to the disabled, they help people keep physically fit, and they inspire the lonely

  • Examples Of Pitbulls Should Not Be Pets

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    getting attacked, and I think no one should feel that. I have been attacked by a predator, not just any predator, a pit bull. Pit bulls should not be pets because kids should not be scared to walk out of their houses, it’s very hard to overcome pit bulls' nature and pit bulls are very aggressive. The main reason I think pit bulls should not be pets is because they are very aggressive. One of the reasons that supports pit bulls are aggressive is an eight-year-old girl was attacked by a pit bull in